Entertainment and Technology
Imagination and Creativity
Be careful of your actions in front of and behind closed doors.
Nature or Nurture: Attention Deficiency Hyperactive Disorder
Amazing films, but where was the story first shared?
Question: What inspires stories?
Paranoia is validated. With recording and editing capabilities, the author can spread a viral video of a scandalous scoundrel or sainted server.
Family Values
New and better ways to be mean?!
Those who are still learning about compassion, empathy, and consequences are wielding an inconceivable amount of power. Words can be weapons--publish them and wounds are made.
Character Development
Five more minutes...
"...ramifications...less connection...aren't able to build relationships...nor maintain them as well." (Taylor 2013)
How does one learn what it means to be....
Alternative activities fertilize the weeds of procrastination.
Where are the moral lines drawn? This kind of technology brings great power, and with great power comes great responsibility
A website to upload and watch shared videos online
What is lost?
A website that streams
TV show & movies directly to your computer
Liabilities of Entertainment Technology
Character is defined by how we survive conflicts and the lessons we carry on throughout life.
A microblogging platform and social networking website
Can we keep up?
A social network that allows you to post comments, read others' comments, and comment on comments...microblogging
"...gaming consuls are he greatest technological advances of our generation. I...use my laptop and or Xbox at least once a day, or twice…. Maybe more. It does have some drawbacks, like obesity and laziness. But who cares, I blew that guys head off! " ~ anonymous junior in high school
Uhm...Raj, she is not real.
Virtual worlds or technology that directly and verbally interacts with you are not real, but when you spend too much time in the fantasy, the lines become blurred.
Social skills
Add friend
Types of Entertainment Technology
Every year a new and better piece of technology is released, along with all the accompanying software. The upgrades seem to be restricted to the fiscally endowed or priority challenged.
Communication with technology vs people
A social digital music experience through Facebook, you can browse your friends' collections and playlists, helping you discover and share more music than ever before.
Do our kids know where to go if their e-books stop working, phones die, or GPS is broken?
spatial awareness
Uhm...that didn't happen?
"...neuroscientist warned that the internet may be rewriting our brains and leading to attention deficit...growing up more detached from other people..." (Bindley 2011)
"Being able to get place to place without google maps,
Privacy and respectful boundaries become archaic, and information is publicly archived.
Virtual World
X-Box 360
Life event
...By relying so much on my computer, I feel like my researching skills are at a loss if I did not have my computer. I have no idea how to find things out from books and other resources because I don't feel the need to do so." ~anonymous high school senior
facebook recognition
Video game console connected to the internet that allows you to play with anyone around the world
escape to another world where anything is possible...be anyone, do anything...
An online site with short videos of 5-10 seconds
Online photo and video-sharing social network
The constant newer younger upgrades download far past its predecessor kin of metaphorical tin in a cloud of dust in the wake of newer, faster, and smaller. Sadly, by the time we finish presenting, prezi will be outdated and Pro-prezi will have been released. At any rate, here is a sample of a few hipsters' choices of tech fun, negative consequences, and a farewell epitaph.