Breaking the Rules
- Mr Loveday killed two ladies: of course against the rules
Mr Loveday's Little Outing: summary
Explain the ideas behind the following names:
- Theme: insanity
- Father of Angela stays at County Asylum
- Mr Loveday helps her father: he is also a patient
- Mr Loveday seems a very healthy man Angela wants to get him out Asylum
- Mr Loveday finally gets out and returns fast: he murdered another lady
- Moping: depressed = Lord Moping
Moping: lack of interest = Lady Moping
- Angela: kind & sweet / angel irony = she released a murderer
- Mr Loveday: a day when you do what you love = day he gets out Asylum love: he is not lovely at all
Mr Loveday's Little Outing:
Analysis plotline
- Mr Loveday gets back at Asylum: he killed a lady
- Plot twist: he seemed nice apparently he isn't
Falling Action
- No falling action in this story: ends after climax
- Conclusion: some people are not so sweet as they seem to be!
Rising Action
- Angela meets mr Loveday
- Mr Loveday is mentally healed
- Angela gets mr Loveday out Asylum
- Lady Moping takes Angela to Asylum
- Lord Moping is doing very well, but he is very 'busy' when Lady Moping and Angela come by
- Mr Loveday acts like Lord Moping's secretary
Mr Loveday's Little Outing
Nadine Jonkhart, Susan Klinkenberg & Chiara Knuver