Cryptography in WW2
Allie Cox and Anna Zumbar
Cracking Enigma
- Enigma was impossible to break with human brain power alone
- Most work done with cracking Enigma was at Bletchley Park in England.
- Enigma was broken by a highly complex electromechanical device called a Bombe
Japanese Code Book
The Enigma Machine
Operation Magic
Nazi Germany and Japan
- Alan Turing is known as the father of artificial intelligence because of his work on the Bombe.
- Nazi Germany knew of American interference with Japanese messages
- Germany withheld this information from Japan until later for tactical reasons
- Germany helped Japan create secure messages and gave them a copy of the Enigma Machine
- Secret American operation of monitoring Japanese messages and deciphering
- Codes included "Red", "Blue", and "PURPLE"
- Began in WWI when an Imperial Japanese code book was intercepted
- Coding machine created by the Germans to keep military messages secret
- Codes could change at least once a day
- 159 million million million code possibilities
The Enigma Machine
Cracking Enigma
- The Bombe was created by Alan Turing and Gordon Welchman
- The Bombe searched through all Enigma code possiblities to rreduce the number of possible settings