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Job Outlook

Do pharmacists work alone or as part of a team?

Salary or hourly wage

Career Fair Project

  • Pharmacists usually work with pharmacy technicians and a pharmacy manager
  • They also get phone calls from doctors, nurses, patients and other health professions
  • Pharmacists have to communicate and order drugs and supplies from drug companies

Employment of pharmacists is expected to increase by 25% from 2010 to 2020.

Pharmacists held about 275,000 jobs in 2010. Most worked in pharmacies and drug stores. Others were employed by hospitals and by grocery stores and other retail establishments.

This is due to an increase in the number of older people who tend to use more medication.

  • Some institutions pay by hourly wage and others pay by salary
  • You could work in a hospital, a retail pharmacy, or a pharmaceutical company

Courses to take in high school

Skills needed to do the job

  • Math such as geometry, algebra, and calculus
  • Sciences such as biology and physics are helpful
  • Chemistry is very important to take in high school because a pharmacist's job is based on chemical knowledge
  • Business and law are important to learn as well because pharmacists must learn pharmacy law and management

...A capsule

  • Pharmacists must be skilled in Math, Biology, Chemistry, and in Computer technology
  • They must also be skilled in communicating patiently with customers and patients
  • Pharmacists must also be well organized and be detail oriented


Responsibilities at work

Pharmacists earned a median annual salary of $113,390 and median hourly wages of $54.51 in 2011.

Most pharmacist will get benefits like health insurance and retirement plans

Self-employed pharmacists must provide their own benefits. Benefits for salaried pharmacists generally include paid holidays and vacations, health insurance, and retirement plans

  • Pharmacists must supervise pharmacy technicians and make sure that the medications are dispensed correctly
  • Pharmacists must also provide drug information to patients and customers
  • If a Pharmacist encounters a problem with a client, it's their job to handle it

Education and/or training

  • Pharmacists must complete a bachelor's degree in pharmacy
  • Most universities require you to have completed 1 year of undergraduate studies in subjects such as Math, Biology, English, and Chemistry before applying
  • Some universities also require you to take the Pharmacy College Admissions Test (PCAT)
  • Pharmacists must also complete an internship before they're licensed

Hours of work

Pharmacists must check for allergies before filling out a prescription. :)

  • Pharmacists generally work 35-40 hours a week
  • However, pharmacists that work in retail and hospital pharmacies are open longer hours
  • Pharmacists that work in retail and hospital pharmacies usually have to work weekends and evenings

Advantages and Disadvantages


>Greater control of over prescribing medications and monitoring patients.

>Interacting with physicians, feeling valued as part of health care team.

>The range of drugs dispensed is much broader in hospital pharmacies.


Specialize in dispensing drugs.Order and store medicines, keeping them safe, pure, and effective.Understand and Provide information to patients about their side effects and use.Maintain records of the drugs they handle.


>Need to have additional drug knowledge

>Often lower salaries than chain pharmacies

>Lack of face-to-face contact with patients

>Long work hours

>Physically Demanding


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