- Respond to consults within 30 minutes, call chief when your ready to present - Time management and prioritization are key
- Call chief to present consult, have a plan ready
- Chief sees consult, then he/she calls attending who will then see it. By time attending sees pt try to have formal note in so they can cosign it.
- Return pages as soon possible
- As Patrick Swayze said "Be Nice"
- If you can't answer the question, find the answer and call back. Don't make things up
Trauma Nights:
Pagers: Activation, Trauma green, SIU, Plastics
Phone: Trauma junior - 847 - 2606 (Trauma senior 72601)
Responsibilities: Identifying and reporting problems in the ICU and SIU and telling your trauma senior, seeing Trauma greens, ICU and Plastic consults, and responding to activation
Pagers: Green, ACS, Peds, and Code
Phone: ACS - 847 -2913
Responsibilities: Consults for all services and presenting to chief in house
Code: We are pretty useless during codes but it you hit the lotto you can do lines and surgical airway (and by you I mean a Senior resident)
- You guys start in block 3 and it can't come soon enough
- This is were you learn to be efficient
- Sign out - 5am and 5pm (6 am from trauma
- We get to do a lot of stuff
- Be prepared and don't be afraid to get things wrong - it is how you learn
- Know your limits and be honest but not to honest
- Know what needs to be done immediately and what can wait
A day in the life
Pre - round: Update list, Get numbers, and see patient
Running the list with Chiefs: Pretty much why we exist. It is an art form.
Rounding and RTL with Attending: In the beginning will be performed by the chief of the service
- Punctuality
- Dress code - Scrubs, Clinic, M and M
- Respect: Each other, Allied staff, and most of all patients
- Duty to each other
- Starts at 7 am (Free breakfast at 6:30am)
- Clinic clothes ( Guys always need a tie)
- Mandatory(be there and don't be late)
- Only excuse to miss is Emergencies(life or death, and tell a cheif or you have the day off
- Grand rounds
- Be respectful
- Pay attention
- Answer pages but be cool about it
- Sit in front
Lauren Aruthur - Surg onc
Scarlett Hao - Vascular
James Greenwood - ACS
Jeremy Joseph - Trauma
Anastasios Mistakos - Green
Owen Richardson - Transplant
Eftechios Xanthoudakis - ACS
Isabel Clark
Austin Rogers
Vin Brown
Amber Carrier
Intern Orientation
Resources and Studying
Hao - Vascular
- Start Early(absite, general studying)
- Resources (Score, etc)
- What to focus on - The basics
- Things I like: Acland videos, Clinical key
- http://aclandanatomy.com/
Welcome to ECU surgery
- Busy service, 5 attendings
- Attendings: Powell, Parker, Yamaguchi, Noland and Ehlert
- Pager: 0603
- Phone: 847 - 2908
- Main Floor: CV tower - 2nd and 4th floor
- Your role: Getting the numbers on all the patients in the AM, Round as a group at 6am, Clinic duties, COU, and OR(will be doing a lot of AKAs, BKAs, and helping in cath lab
- First day: Call 72908, get phone and pager, go to CV PACU, Get numbers, Round with fellow and chief, write notes
Arthur - Surg Onc
- Overview: Busy service 4 soon to be 5 attendings
- Attendings: Zervos, Vohra, Wong and Manwaring
- Pager: 383-3025
- Main floor: 1south
- Your Role: Rounding on the floor patients, seeing consults, Clinic duties and operating with Manwaring and Wong
- 1st day rundown -
- Get to the hospital at 4:45am - Get pager, Print out list for attending, Pre-round, RLT, Attending rounds
Mistakos - Green
- Chiller service, except for weekends with consults, 3 attending
- Attendings: Pofahl, Williams, Mann, Wendy(NP)
- Main floor: BGSU
- Pager: 1836
- Role: Consults, Update list, clinic duties, less operating
- 1st day: Pick-up pager at 5am on BGSU from night team, Pre-round, Print list for attendings, Rounds, write notes
- Health and well being
- New Innovations: https://www.new-innov.com/login/
- Logging cases
- Hands on stuff: Templates, Orders, etc
- Hectic and methodical at the same time; Procedure heavy; little to no OR time
- Attendings: Same as ACS
- Main floor: SICU, SIU, Trauma bay
- Pager: Activation, Green
- Phone: 72606, 72601
- Role: Trauma Junior, Rounds in SICU and TICU, Clinic
- First Day: Get there at 4:30am to 5am and try to figure out who you are pre-rounding on the day before, see patients and get notes started before sign-out at 6am, finish pre-rounds and notes before morning report, Morning report in TCR at 8am, Rounds directly after morning report
- Busy service, consult and OR heavy, (Time management)
- Attendings: Garcia, Poulin, Ghniem, Gotteler, Toschlog, Bard, Newell, and Alicia(NP)
- Main Floor: BGSU and SIU
- Pager: 3713
- Phone: 847-2913
- Role: Consults, Pre-op, consenting patients to surgery, Minor procedures, Rounding on primary patients
- First day: Be on BGSU at 5am, Split patient with b/t interns, Pre-round, RTL at 6:30am, Get notes done/See consults