This poem is about a little girl who didn't like to take out the garbage but she wash dishes and scrape pots. Since she didn't take out the garbage she let it pile up.
The poem focuses on alliteration. It focuses on alliteration because it has repeating consonant sounds occurring at the beginning of words or within words.
Shel Silverstein was born September 25, 1930 and passed away May 8, 1999.
What i like about this poem was when all the children remembered what Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout did. So they didn't want to be like her and not take the garbage out because then they wouldn't have any more friends or neighbors.
Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout
By: Shel Silverstein
She also doesn't listen to her dad when he yells at her to take out the garbage. The garbage got so bad her neighbors moved away and she didn't have any more friends.
The poem is written in third person limited. This poem is written in third person limited because the author is only given out how one character is feeling or what they our thinking. This is important because the author gives a better describtion on how Sarah feels about taking out the garbage.
Presented By: Jamika Andrews
Besides being a author of children books Silverstein was also known for being a singer-songwriter, musican, composer, cartoonist, and screenwriter.
Shel Silverstein started writing because his editor at Harpor & Row, Ursula Nordstrom, encouraged Silverstein to write children's peotry.