Integumentary, Cardiovascular,Immune, and Nervous System
Nervous System
Major structures:
- Brain
- Spinal chord
- Nerves
- Sense organs
- Receptors
- Controls and coordinates body movements and senses
- Controls consciousness and creativity
- Helps monitor and maintain other body systems
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Immune System
Major structures:
- Lymph nodes and vessels
- White blood cells
- Provides protection against infection and disease
Integumentary System
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Major Structure:
- Protects against pathogens
- Helps regulate body temperature
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Cardiovascular System
Major structures:
- Transports nutrients and wastes to and from all body tissues
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What is the muscular system?
Muscular System
- All the muscles in your body
- Works alongside the skeletal system to produce movement
a. muscles are connected to bones by tendons
- Can only contract or shorten
* The abililty to move an arm in opposite directions requires that muscles be attachted to the arm bones in antagonistic pairs
Major Functions:
- Provides structure
- Supports and moves trunk and limbs
- Moves substances through body
- Produces movement
Major Structure:
(skeletal, cardiac, and smooth)
Muscle system includes:
- Hamstring
- Quadriceps
- Biceps
- Abdominal external
- Deltoids
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Respiratory System
Major structures: Air passages
- Carries air into and out of lungs, where gases are exchanged
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Digestive System
Major Structures:
- Mouth
- Esophagus
- Stomach
- Liver
- Pancreas
- Small and large intestine
- Stores and digests food
- Absorbs nutrients
- Eliminates waste
Skeletal, Muscular, and the Respiratory Systems
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Excretory System
Major structures:
- Kidney
- Ureters
- Bladder
- urethra
- Skin
- Lungs
- Eliminates waste
- Maintains water and chemical balance
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Digestive, Excretory, Endocrine, and Reproductive System
Skeletal System
What is the skeletal system,?
- All the bones and tissues in your body
- Consists of tendons, ligaments, and cartilage
- Even though made of enamel and dentin, teeth are included in this system
Endocrine System
- Made up of four parts
- Blood vessel
- Compact bone
- Spongy bone
- Bone marrow: where new cells are constantly being produced for the blood
a. Yellow bone marrow:
i. contained in the central cavity
ii. mostly stored fat brought into the bone by the blood
b. Red bone marrow
i. contained in the cavaties
ii. specialized tissue that produces blood cells
- A group of cells with similar structure and function
- Four different types
- connective tissue
- muscle tissue
- nervous tissue
- epithelial tissue
Major functions:
Reproductive System
- Provides structure
- Ability to be locomotive, active travel from place to place, requiring that an animal expend energy to overcome two forces that tend to keep it stationary: friction and gravity
- Supports and protects internal organs and fragile body tissue
-Such as the spinal chord, the brain, and the cranium
- Bones act as the framework for the muscles to attach to so the body is able to move
Major structures:
- Glands (such as adrenal, thyroid, and pancreas)
- Hypothalamus
- Maintains homeostasis
- Regulates metabolism
- Water and mineral balance
- Growth and sexual development
- Reproduction
Different Skeletal Types
C. Endoskeleton
- Consists of hard or leathery supporting elements situated among the soft tissues of an animal
- Vertebrates have endoskeletons consisting of cartilage or a combination of cartilage and bones
Three main types of skeletons:
A. Hydrostatic skeleton
- Consists of fluid held under pressure in a closed body compartment
- Helps protect other body parts and cushions them from shocks
- Compatible for soft and flexible movements
B. Exoskeleton
- Rigid external skeleton
- Muscles attached to knobs and plates on the inner surfaces of the exoskeleton work to move the jointed body parts
- Thin and flexible allowing a wide variety og body movements
Major structure:
- Ovaries
- Uterus
- Mammary glands (in females)
- Testes (in males)
- Produces ova and milk in females
- Makes sperm in males
- Generates offspring after fertilization
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Additional Information
Vertebrae Skeletons
A. Axial Skeleton
- Supports the axis, or trunk, of the body
- Consists of the skull, the backbone, and the rib cage in most cases
B. Appendicular Skeleton
- Supports the appendages
- Made up of bones of the forelimbs and hind limbs, the shoulder girdle, and the pelvic girdle
A. Ball and Socket Joints
- Where the humerus joins to the shoulder girdle and in the hip where the femur joins to the pelvic girdle
- Enables the ability to rotate the arms and legs and move them in several planes
B. Hinge Joint
- Between th humerus and the head of the ulna permits movement in a single plane
C. Pivot Joint
- Enables arm the forearm to rotate at the elbow
Hinge and pivot joints between the bones enable the wrists and hands to make precise manipulations
Major structure:
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For females -
For males -
Skeletal System includes:
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- Scapula
- Clavicle
- Mandible
- Ribs
- Femur
- Tibia
Human Organ Systems
There are eleven human body systems:
- Skeletal System
- Muscular System
- Respiratory System
- Integumentary System
- Cardiovascular System
- Immune System
- Nervous System
- Digestive System
- Excretory System
- Endocrine System
- Reproductive System
By: June Okada
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