Good bye
2020 New Content Marketing Strategies
Last but not least
Besides the strong digital presence that reflects the brand image,
the company has to deal with negative publicity of its beverage products.
What is the communication strategy that the company employs to respond to this issue to the public? Is the following video the answer?
Coca-Cola Communication Strategies
Coca-Cola has been a strong brand in the marketing
since it was established in 1886.
It’s advertising has focused on the authenticity of Coca-Cola,
urging consumers to “Demand the genuine” and “Accept no substitute.”
For Coca-Cola, “Safeguarding the Brand” and “Advertising” has always been important.
Coca-Cola has used advertisements to build brand recognition.
Advertisement such as printed ads and TV commercials
help the brand reach consumers and raise the target demographic’s awareness.
The brand has grown to the world’s most ubiquitous brand
because the strong commitment to advertising.
Coca Cola’s mission
- To refresh the world
- To inspire moments of optimism and happiness
- To create value and make a difference
5 Keys
from 2020 Marketing Strategies
Key No.5 Be courageous and creative with content
“The world is changing all around us. To continue to thrive as a business over the next ten years and beyond, we must look ahead; understand the trends and forces that will shape our business in the future and move swiftly to prepare for what's to come. We must get ready for tomorrow today. That's what our 2020 Vision is all about” (Coca-Cola’s website, 2013).
- Coca-Cola establishes a strong digital presence that reflects their professional brand and organization objectives
- Coca-Cola trades its traditional marketing to content marketing, which is the heart of the Coca-Cola strategy.
- Coca-Cola builds sustainable relationships, leveraging its existing audience and growing it for the future
Coca-Cola is applying a 70/20/10 investment principle, which every business should consider and prepare for the failure.
- 70% of content investment should be low risk
- 20% of content should innovate off what works well for the brand
- 10% of content marketing is the higher risk with entire new ideas, which one day may move to the 70% or 20% segment
Cola-Cola’s Instagram
1. Coca-Cola’s mission retrieved from
2. Coca Cola’s New Content Marketing Strategy retrieved from
3. Coca-Cola Content 2020 Initiative Strategy video retrieved from
4. The Honest Coca-Cola Obesity Commercial video retrieved from
1. Understand consumer interest
2. Create brand engagement
3. Growing business
As always, Coaca-Cola keeps the brand presence on another platform, Instagram. The follower can view the photos posted by the company. Driving brand awareness by posting creative photos that tie with the brand logo. This is another way of dynamic story telling; photos are posted, shared and commented on easily.
Strong marketing and advertising.
5 Keys
from 2020 Marketing Strategies
Cola-Cola’s Pinterest
Key No.3 Create conversation
Coca Cola’ advertising uses a lot of money to increase the firm’s sales and brand recognition under the concept “Creative Excellent”.Coca-Cola uses different mediums
- • Printed media
- • POS media
- • TV commercial
- • Billboard
The new media and technology has changed people’s lives, people create ideas and share stories more than before on virtual community. Coca-Cola will create the conversations, then join, act and react to those conversations through all of the mediums that people are using, including social media.
Coca-Cola tries to be on every social media platform. The brand is now on Pinterst under the theme "Discovering the happiness". Coca-Cola uses this medium for driving awareness and brand engagement. Sharing photos on Pinterest by dividing photos into several series such as
“be together”, “be active” and “be giving”
helps catch the Pinterest users’ eyes.
This is the way that the company reflects the brand story telling strategies.
Major brands of Coca-Cola
•Coke•Diet Coke•Sprite•Fanta
Cola-Cola’s Twitter
Coca-Cola’s 2020 Marketing Strategies
5 Keys
from 2020 Marketing Strategies
Move from “Creative excellence” to content "excellence”
Key No.4 Dynamic story telling
Recently, Coca-Cola launched a content marketing strategy, Content 2020,
which revealed a communication direction and prominence. This new strategy has been built on the recognition of the fact that traditional marketing methods are becoming outdated. The growth of social media has forced Coca Cola
to reconsider how it connects with people.
Coca-Cola has been creates Buzz on this micro-blog as well. The company does not ignore the social buzz that may return on investment or not. The company believes that the effects of social media are important for long-term sales.The tweet is the way of story telling that the company will tweet the brand story regularly. The followers are able to follow and retweet the stories to their friends and networks.
In the past Coca-Cola used traditional media such as printed ads and TV commercials to connect with consumers; it was one-way story telling. Now the company will move on to dynamic story telling that allows the story to interact with customers in many media platforms. The spreadable story telling will generate interaction and engage the brand with customers.
Coca-Cola’s Facebook
The brand adopts Facebook as a medium to create a story that relates to the brand. The story or content begs Facebook users to participate by clicking like the page, share comment, photos and video. The user’s interaction can be more developed by integrating marketing promotion and activity on the page.
- The world’s largest beverage company serving more than 200 countries and offering more than 500 brands.
- The number 1 provider of sparkling beverages, juice and juice drinks, and ready to drink teas and coffee
5 Keys
from 2020 Marketing Strategies
Key No.2 Link content to interest
5 example of implementation
Key No.1 Create Content
Coca-Cola’s Website
The ideas have to relate to the brand and business objective. The content needs to be relevant to customer interest, so they will enjoy the content and be willing to share ideas.
Ensure that the content is the message
linked to the brand.
The 5 keys from 2020 Marketing Strategies reflect the brand’s communication
strategies, which using social networks to connected consumerism.
The brand is on many digital platforms that consumers are on such as Coca-Cola’s website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest
The purpose of content excellence is to create ideas.
In the virtual community, people can easily share ideas,
photos and comment like Facebook. So create ideas
to start content, then ask social users
to join, share and comment.
The company’s website provides information such as the story, mission, system, and social responsibility.The site helps maintain the brand presence and promote user’s interaction. The site links to social network that relates to new content strategies, which is connected and created conversation with people on social media platforms.
By Sara Sawalee Thiansunhirun