GIS 314
- An open source project for crowdsourced information collection, visualisation, and interactive mapping.
- Means “testimony” in Swahili; Created in 2008 to map election violence in Kenya; Further developed after 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
- Typically used for crisis response and human rights advocacy; Also environmental mapping, citizen journalism, and international development.
- User creates parameters for expected tags/keywords using front-end interface - SMS, RSS, text, email, web.
- User sends a deployment out into the world -
"Text to #1248" "Tweet @haitiquake" "FB #haitiquake" "Email"
- Tags/keywords become fields for crowdsourced data, populating tables and maps.
Join data from:
Developed by:
Add OSM:
What kind of DDBMS is Ushahidi - Relational or NoSQL?
Distributed Database (DDB):
- A logically interrelated collection of shared data distributed over a computer network.
Distributed Database Management System (DDBMS):
- Can be Relational/SQL (Library catalogue, Ushahidi) or NoSQL (CrisisNet, HOT).
- Should look and function exactly like a non-distributed database.
- Real time Social Media data mining and download (the firehose) - Starting point;
requires validation. Not true VGI, maybe "Ambient Geographic Information"
- HOT is the real deal VGI - remote volunteers create OSM polygons and geotags.
Local volunteers contribute point data and other details. All the Geodata is Volunteered.
- Ushahidi pulls it together. It does it all (and it does it well) !
- Login to OpenStreetMap or create a new account.
- Follow the HOT tutorial @
- Go to the HOT Tasking Manager and complete one task square.
Volunteered Geographic Information is: the widespread engagement of large numbers of public citizens in the creation of geographic information; a subset of User Generated Content that contains geographic reference, either explicitly or implicitly.
(Goodchild 2007; Craglia et al. 2012; Elwood et al. 2012)
Continuous, real-time social media mining + download.
- Search based on filters defined by the user.
- Echosec is a commercial service available by subscription
($$ + no skills).
- CrisisNet is an open source service to create your own API
(skills + no $$).
Requires validation. A starting point for further investigation + "human processing." Why?
Is this "Volunteered" Geographic Information ??
How is VGI compiled, organized, and managed?
Distributed Databases (DDB):
- A logically interrelated collection of shared data distributed over a computer network.
- Each site is a database in its own right.
- Sites coordinate so user can access data anywhere exactly as if stored locally.
Distributed Database Management System
- Data is split into fragments across DDB sites; Each site is controlled by the DDBMS.
- Handles local applications independently and participates in at least one global application.
- DDBMS Rules: locally autonomous, continuously operational, non-reliant on any central site.
- To the user a DDB should look and function exactly like a non-distributed database.
Interrelated does not necessarily mean RELATIONAL
- A homogenous DDBMS utilizes common fields across all sites.
- These are Relational/SQL DDBs.
Interrelated does not necessarily mean RELATIONAL
- A heterogeneous DDBMS translates multiple data models so they can work together.
- This is done when databases are implemented seperately and integrated later.
Volunteered Geographic Information is: the widespread engagement of large numbers of public citizens in the creation of geographic information; a subset of User Generated Content that contains geographic reference, either explicitly or implicitly.
(Goodchild 2007; Craglia et al. 2012; Elwood et al. 2012)
- A requesting organization will identify area(s) needing rapid mapping in OSM: Red Cross, MSF, Missing Maps.
- An OSM administrator ensures there is suitable satellite imagery to trace, and creates a project.
- Remote HOT mappers select available task squares and trace polygons, marking squares when complete - Mapathons !
- Other HOT volunteers check quality of mapped squares, marking squares as validated.
- Agencies export project basemaps from OSM for use in the field. Data is updated at one minute intervals !
- If available, local volunteers add more detailed features, such as street names or remote villages, using Field Papers ...
- With or without GPS, print task square as basemap, write and draw on it, scan or photograph Field Paper, and upload.
Karen D. Godbout | April 5, 2017