European Mythology
By Paula, Kahlan, Molly, and Natalia
Greek Mythology
German Mythology
Polish Mythology
Slovenian Mythology
Irish Mythology
- Dagda enters Fomorian land and commands the harp to return to him
- The harp kills all the men in it's path
- The Dagda strums the Harp and is able to make the fomorians weep,then laugh, then sleep.
- Fomorians steal Dagda's harp and bring it back to their land.
- Dagda finds out and brings soldiers with him to retrieve the harp
-In the both the Greek and German Myth, the Trickster and the Shapeshifter were the same person
-all the Heroes in the myths had to make some sort of sacrifice
-the Herald in some myths (for example Slovenian) perused the main character to do a task for their own benefit
- the Shapeshifter in the German and Greek myths caused conflict at one point for characters including the hero
- the Shadow in each myth was destroyed or defeated by the hero
- Dagda gets the harp back
- War between Formorians and golden- haired men ends.
- Introduction to the different groups in Ireland, the Fomorians and the Golden-Haired men.
- Readers are informed about Dagda’s harp and the magic powers it possesses.
Plot Graph
The dragon ran to a nearby rier, gulping down so much water that it burst with a great bang.
- Loki wanted to stay in the dwarves' cave and felt mischievous
- Loki went to two brothers, Brokkr and Sindri, and bet them his head that they couldn't make three new creations that were equal to those made by the sons of Ivaldi
- Perseus realizes he can't look at Medusa
- Hermes and Athena give him gifts to be able to defeat the gorgon, and tell him he's the son of Zeus
- Went to cave in Graeae
- Learned where to find Nympths of the North
- Got Cap of Darkness
- Used shield from Athena to defeat Medusa
- Cut off her head
- Brokkr and Sindri made three creations
- Gullinbursti ("Golden-bristled") a living boar with golden hair that could run better than any horse, even through air and water
- Draupnir ("Dripper") a golden ring that would create another eight just like it on every ninth night
- Mjollnir ("lightning") a hammer that would never miss its mark and would return to it's owner like a boomerang
- Throughout this Loki tried to prevent them from achieving success
- Dwarves head to Asgard to claim the wages due
-the reach the mountain and shot the Goldenhorn, however it is a magical creature and heals himself as the Trenta hunter is picking the Triglav Roses
-the now-healed Goldenhorn charges towards the Trenta hunter and kills him
Rising Action
A shoemaker named Krak decided to conquer the beast using ram stuffed with sulphur. The dragon swallowed the ram in one bite and it's throat began to burn.
Falling Action
The shoemaker married the King's daughter.
- Loki goes to Svartalfheim (where the dwarves live)
- sons of dwarf Ivaldi forged Loki three creations
- Sif's new head of hair
- Skidbladnit ("Assembled from the thinnest of woods") the best of all ships
- Gungnir ("Swaying") the deadliest of spears
- They land on Island of Seriphos
- Grew up there
- King's brother Plydectes, would've married Danae by force if Perseus didn't protect her
- Polydectes pretends to get married
- got mad that Perseus didn't bring a gift
- sent him off for Medusa's head
- On the way back he turned Atlas to stone so he wouldn't have to bare the weight of the sky
- Found Andromeda chained to a rock
- Saved her
- Married her
- Stopped by Larisa so Perseus could compete in some games
- When he threw a shield he accidentally killed Acrisius
- Prophecy came true
-in an attempt to leave the mountain alive, the Green hunter flees the mountain empty-handed
- she mocks the poor hunter
-he gets offended and vows to retrieve the valuable Triglav Roses from the Bogatin mountain, guarded by the Goldenhorn
-the Trenta Hunter asks the Green Hunter to join him
The beast killed many people before they could draw their swords.
- Loki gets to Asgard and presents the creations he's aquired
- Thor received Mjollnir and Sif's new hair
- Odin received Draupnir and Gungnir
- Freyr received Skidbladnir and Gullinbursti
- The gods were happy with their gifts but agreed that Loki owed the dwarves his head
- Dwarves went to cut his head off at the neck with knives
- Loki pointed out he said head and not neck
- Dwarves sewed Loki's mouth shut and left
- Loki cuts off the hair of Sif, Thor's Wife
- Thor gets mad and is about to kill Loki
- Loki asks Thor to let him see the dwarves and ask them to make Sif "a new head of hair"
- Thor grants Loki his favour and he is on his way
A dragon lived in a cave at the foot of Wawel hill, ravaging meadows and devouring cattle.
After the monarch's death he ascended to the throne.
-The Trenta Hunter and the Inn-Keeper's daughter start a romantic relationship
- a traveler visits her in and showers her with gifts
-the Trenta Hunter's body was carried back to the village by a river, with the Triglav Roses in his hand
- Came back to Seriphus
- Learned Polydectes forced his mom to marry him
- Turned him into stone with Medusa's head
- Perseus and Andromeda lived happily ever after
- Acrisius learns that his daughter's son will be the one to kill him
- locks her in a tower
- Zeus comes and falls in love with Danae
- They have a son and name him Perseus
- King Acrisius learns and puts Danae and Perseus in a large chest and sent them out to sea
Stages of the Journey
The Ordinary World:
- Danae and Perseus are put in a crate and sent off to sea
- Land on an Island
The Call to Adventure:
Stages of the Journey
- Polydectes tells Perseus he must get him a wedding present
- Tells him to get head of Medusa since
Refusal to Call:
- Perseus starts to lose hope when he realizes he can't look at Medusa
- He can't behead them if he can't look at them
The Ordinary World:
- Loki leaves Asgard to go to Svartalfheim to see dwarve
Relationship with Mentor:
The Ordinary World-The Hunter From Trenta leaves his home in search for the key to the Bogatin
The Call to Adventure:
- Athena and Hermes help Perseus by giving him gifts
- Lead him to Graeae
- They tell him to find the North Nymphs
- Since Loki cut off Sif's hair, he goes to see if the dwarves can make her a new head of hair when Thor threatens him
The Call to Adventure- the Hunter goes in search for the treasure hidden in the mountain in order to prove his worthiness to the daughter of the inn-keeper
- Perseus goes to find the Graeae
Crossing the First Threshold:
- Loki gets to Svartalfheim and ask dwarves to make Sif's hair along with two more creations
Approach to the Innermost Cave:
The Ordinary World: Ireland is separated into Fomorians and Dagda's people the Golden Haired men.
The Call to Adventure: The Fomorians steal the magic harp from Dagda.
Approach to the Innermost Cave: The Dagda and his men journey to the Fomorian land in order to take back the Harp.
The Supreme Ordeal: Dagda approaches the Fomorian castle and the doors suddenly swing open. Dagda commands the harp to return to it's master and in doing so it kills the men in it's path.
The Road Back: Fomorians don't give up yet but neither does Dagda. He starts to strum on his harp and eventually puts all the Fomorians into a deep sleep.
Return with the elixir: After defeating the Fomorians Dagda and his soldiers escape into the night and return with the magic harp.
Test/Allies/Enemies- The Green Hunter paired up with the Trenta Hunter and together they went up into the mountain in search for the Triglav Roses
- Perseus must threaten Graeae with their eye to make them tell him where the North Nymphs are
- Finds friends in North Nymphs and Hermes and Athena his immortal brother and sister
- Loki makes wager with two other dwarves
- stating they couldn't make creations as good as the first three
- if he loses be bet his head
The Supreme Ordeal:
The Hero's Journey
1. The Call to Adventure
- The King presents a challenge to all men to conquer the beast. As a reward his daughter's hand in marriage.
2. Crossing the First Threshold
- The shoemaker, Krak decided to conquer the beast using a unique strategy.
3. Approach to the Innermost Cave
- The shoemaker goes to the entrance of the dragon's cave.
4. The Supreme Ordeal
- Krak placed a ram stuffed with sulphur at the entrance of the cave.
5. Reward
- Krak survived and the dragon died. Krak's reward is marrying the King's daughter and later becoming the King.
- Loki's scared he might lose wager
- does what he can to prevent them from succeeding
Supreme Ordeal- The Goldenhorn healed himself and charged toward the Trenta Hunter, killing him
- Perseus defeats Medusa
- Now has head of Medusa
- Can go back home
- Loki now has 6 creations to give to Odin, Thor, and Freyr
The Road Back:
Return With the Elixir- The Hunter's body is brought back to the village, with the Triglav Roses in his hand
- Must reach Asgard to deliver creations
- Dwarves go wanting his head
- Loki talks his way out of the wager
- Turns Atlas to stone
- Finds Andromeda, saves her, and then marries her
- Stops by Larisa so he can compete in games and complete the prophecy
- Loki can go back to ordinary life
- Gets back, defeats Polydectes, and can now go back to ordinary life
Athena, Hermes, North Nymphs
The moral of this story is that going to great lengths to retrieve something materialistic and not worthwhile could come at a greater cost than excepted. The Hunter of Trenta travelled to the Bogatin mountain guarded by the Goldenhorn to retrieve the Triglav Roses. his goal was to prove himself to the Inn-keeper's daughter, however, the roses cost him his life.
The lesson taught in this myth is that when you steal something that is not yours, there are consequences the Fomorians stole Dagda’s harp and in the process of returning to its master the harp killed the men who were in its path. After that the Dagda struck the harp and all the Fomorians wept, then laughed then fell into a deep sleep. If they had never stolen the magic harp then they wouldn’t have been attacked in the first place. This myth can also comfort people of Irish origin knowing that if ever they feel that a task is to hard to overcome they can be soothed by Dagda’s harp. When the soldiers went to battle the harp gave them the courage to fight. When they returned the harp soothed them and made them only feel pride and no sorrow.
Hero - The hero is the shoemaker Krak. He sacrificed his safety to save the town and to marry the princess.
Herald - The king is the herald because he motivates many brave man to fight the dragon, including Krak.
Shadow - The dragon is the shadow because he brings out the best in the hero and is later destroyed by the hero.
The moral to this story is that if you do something wrong. You will be punished. Polydectes forced Danae to marry him and was later turned to stone by Perseus.
The morale in this story is that if you do something wrong, there will be consequences and you have to work to fix it. Loki cut off Sif's hair, then had to go and get her a new head of hair to receive forgiveness.
The moral of this myth is if you are brave as well as intelligent, you will be rewarded.
Hero: The Hunter of Trenta (goes in search for treasure to prove himself)
Herlald: Inn-keeper's Daughter (challenged the Hunter)
Trickster: The Green Hunter ( friend of the Trenta Hunter)
Dagda is the hero of this myth because he helps his people and soldiers to overcome obstacles in their lives by playing them certain songs on the magic harp. When they needed the courage to fight in battles, Dagda played them a song to give them the strength to go into battle and when they returned he played them songs to make them forget what happened and be soothed.
The Fomorians would be the shadow to the hero in this myth. They steal the harp, which creates conflict. However, when the Dagda learns that his harp has been stolen he visits the Fomorians and takes back is harp, killing many in the process. In other words the hero (Dagda) defeated the shadow (the Fomorians)
Female Life Giver-White Woman, who is similar to a Goddess or mother Nature created the Goldenhorn to protect the Bogatin Mountain and it's treasures