A Comparison of 2 theories of intelligence (Sternberg and Gardners)
Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Advantages and Limitations
Key propositions
Analytical Intelligence
Advantages of Sternberg's theory
Advantages of Gardner's theory
- Many descriptions of intelligence focus on mental abilities such as vocabulary, comprehension, memory and problem-solving that can be measured through intelligence tests.
- American psychologist Robert Sternberg believes that this focus on specific types of measurable, mental abilities is too narrow.
- In his views studying intelligence in this way leads to an understanding of only one part of intelligence-a part seen in people who are book smart.For example,there are those who do poorly in tests but have a very good ability to adapt to the environment.
- Sternberg proposes 3 types of intelligence which are:
- It is possible to test majority of the types of intelligence.
- It is almost impossible to study for a creativity type of test which make the results more reliable.
There are several advantages to Gardner's theory which includes:
- Capability to test majority of types of intelligence.
- There is scientific experiment to support the theory
- Ability to complete academic, problem-solving tasks, such as those used in traditional intelligence tests.
- School smarts-analytical intelligence relies on academic knowledge.
- 3 information precessing components
- Meta-components
- Performance components
- Knowledge acquisition components
Creative Intelligence
Practical intelligence
Limitations of Gardner's Theory
- Ability to successfully deal with new and unusual situations by drawing on existing knowledge and skills.
- The usage of imagination when composing a short story.
- Ability to draw realist portraits
Limitations of the sternberg's Theory
- ability to adapt to everyday life(situations) by drawing on existing knowledge and skills
- Street smarts
- The possibility to obtaining an invalid test result because participants can lie or study for the test.
- The cultural difference in the participant which cause them to score lower in the test.
- Certain intelligence testing cannot be standardised.
- The inability to properly test the practical intelligence.
- The possibility to cheat or study for an Analytical based intelligence test.
Strengthens and weakness for both theories
- Most of the types of intelligence related to books smarts and creativity can be test.
- Scientific experiments can be used support several types of intelligence in both theories.
Grivas, J. and Carter, L. (2009). Psychology for the VCE student. Milton, Qld.: John Wiley & Sons Australia.
Kilfoyle, M. (2012). Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences. [online] prezi.com. Available at: http://prezi.com/pnmvli2xmdcq/copy-of-gardners-theory-of-multiple-intelligences/ [Accessed 5 Nov. 2014].
Kilfoyle, M. (2010). Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence. [online] prezi.com. Available at: http://prezi.com/eowrn5wxsecs/sternbergs-triarchic-theory-of-intelligence/ [Accessed 5 Nov. 2014].
- Certain types of intelligence can be learn thought experience even though the person does not have the intelligence
- A person can study for an intelligence test in which the results can then be invalid.This is in the case of intelligence related to book smart-analytical intelligence(sternberg),musical,verbal linguistic,logical mathematics and visual spatial.
- Both theories lack the acceptance of a general knowledge.
Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence
Key Propositions
The 9 type of intelligence in Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence
- American Psychologist Howard Gardner proposes that we multiple intelligences. Gardner originally identified seven different kinds of intelligence which have now increase to nine type.
- According to Gardner, intelligences are not only different but also independent from one another
- he argued that each intelligence operates separately from others and exists in a different parts of the brain.
- This view is based on his research studies which show that different intelligence can be affected depending on the part of the brain that's damaged.
- Verbal linguistic-(Language ability)
- Logical mathematics-(the capability to use reason and number,Problem Solving skills)
- musical-(musical skills)
- Visual-spatial (ability to manipulate patterns in different areas)
- Existential (sensitivity and capability to tackle deep questions about human existence)
- Naturalist-(ability to understand things that is encountered)
- Interpersonal-(ability to understand desire and intentions of others)
- Intrapersonal-(understand ones self and use the info to guide one's life)
- Bodily-Kinesthetic(use all body parts to solve problems and enjoy sports)
Similarities and differences among the two theories of intelligence.
- Sternberg's theory presents 3 broad types of intelligence
- Gardner's theory presents 9 specific types of intelligence
- The number of intelligence in each of the theories.
- Both Theories have the acceptance of multiple intelligence that is not restricted to school smarts
- Both Theories does not present the idea of general intelligence.