My element ball
on Helium .
Element Symbol: HE
Atomic number: 2
Atomic Mass:4
Melting point: -272.0c
Boiling point: -268.0c(4.549994k,-451-48f)
Atomic structure
Element Ball
Hope you guys enjoy my Element ...
The END !! :)
Helium was discovered by Pierre Jassen in 1868.
Use's of Helium
Helium is use to cool superconducting magnet in MRI scanner, this element its also lighter then air. Airship and ballon can be filled with gas gain lift.
Helium physical properties are ...
No smell, taste, colorless, & Gas
Helium is an insert, or noble gas meaning that it is very reactive.
The density & viscosity of helium vapors are very low.
Noble Gas
Fire with Gas ...