Origin of "Utopia"
- greek: ou + topos = not place
- it not exists
- from the book "Of the Best State of a Republic, and of the New Island Utopia" from Sir Thomas More (1516)
- outopia (no place) and eutopia (good place) --> also greek
The definition
- greek: dys (bad) + utopia (ideal place)
- also called anti-utopia or cacotopia
- imaginary perfect world
- ideal living conditions, the ideal society, unity and peace, classless government
- no evil exists
- imaginary place where life is extremely difficult and unfair
- antithesis of the utopian society
- totalitarian or authoritarian government
in the 19th century...
my sources:
- http://www.cliffsnotes.com/literature/g/the-giver/critical-essays/what-are-utopias-and-dystopias
- http://www.abiturerfolg.de/utopiaanddystopia.html
- http://wortwuchs.net/dystopie/
- Langenscheidt Viewfinder: Utopia and Dystopia - Bright Future or Impending Doom? p.4 and 5
- http://img15.deviantart.net/2f3c/i/2011/150/4/a/avatar_pandora_background_by_pimperius-d3hl96j.png
- http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/jamescameronsavatar/images/6/6a/Avatar_pandora_20100423_1002530700.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100423213609
- http://www.hdwallpapers.in/walls/jake_sully_in_war_avatar_movie-wide.jpg
- http://dl9fvu4r30qs1.cloudfront.net/91/a9/5a2c1503496da25094b88e9eda5f/avatar.jpeg
- https://aworldoftales.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/2011_in_time_021.jpg
- http://www.theoohtray.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/2012.jpeg
- closely connected with socialist ideas
- everybody gets the same
- abolition of money
- work is only for the common good
- more time for arts, luxury and knowledge
- "global utopia of world peace"
film example : Avatar
Typical traits of dystopia
- ecological + utopia: form of utopian society
- balance between humankind and nature
- reduce and prevent humankind's negative impact on the environment
- war, revolution, rebellion, overpopulation, natural disaster or other climatic events
--> dramatic changes to society
Scientific Utopia
- population poorer than in contemporary society
- only ruling class is living in luxury
- utopian living standarts in the future
- high-tech
- absence of death, illness and suffering
- changes in human nature and the human condition
Religious utopias
from Anna
Utopia and Dystopia