Concentric Zone Model (Burgess)
Pros and Cons
- Created by Ernest Burgess in 1923
How does this relate to Raleigh?
- Low income houses tend to live closer to downtown Raleigh which is the central business district of this wonderful city.
- Suburbs and high-income houses are much farther away from downtown.
- Pros:
- Highly profitable central business district
- Thrives commercially
- Connected through centralization of CBD
- Cons:
- Assumes a flat, even landscape and does not take the physical features into consideration
- Little to no room for further expansion
- Does not work well outside of America
Sector Model (Hoyt)
- Created by Homer Hoyt in 1939
Pros and Cons
How does this relate to Raleigh?
- Some residential areas of the same classes in Raleigh run through and extend out from the CBD
- Pros:
- Built along transportation routes
- Easy access to CBD at almost all points
- Allows for outward progression of growth
- Cons:
- Little reference to physical features/landscapes
- Created before automobiles, therefore doesn't account for them
- No transition zones lead to choppy transitions between zones
By: Megan Kim
Urban Geography City Models
Multiple Nuclei Model (Harris & Ullman)
Pros and Cons
How does this relate to Raleigh?
- Raleigh has multiple focal points around the city such as various malls (Triangle, Crabtree), parks (Umstead, Durant), and plazas (North Hills) distributed throughout.
- Created by Chauncy Harris and Edward Ullman in 1945
- Pros:
- More movement due to increased car ownership
- Specialization of regions and zones
- Flexible structure
- Can adapt to many local situations
- Cons:
- Complicated layout and organization
- Multiple focal points lead to no clear CBD
- Lack of connectedness
Latin American City Model (Griffin-Ford)
Pros and Cons
The End!
- Created by Ernest Griffin and Larry Ford in 1980
- Pros:
- Strong CBD extends all the way out to city's edge through the commercial spine
- Industrial zone and market conveniently next to low/middle class
- Cons:
- Largely made up of extremely poor residential zones
- Poor quality of living