Men: Worked in small holdings, but were mostly civil servants.
Woman: worked in the small holdings, were responsible for domestic work, raising children
Great Zimbabwe : Culture
Caroilne Caraci
Social Structure
Richest people lived farther in the walls
High Upper Class
Men VS Woman Work
Rich but not RICH lived close to walls, but still lived inside.
Lower Upper Class
Social Structure
Non wealthy Zimbabweans lived outside the cities wall in mud huts, which served as their home.
The city's center was only inhabited by the wealthiest of all Zimbabweans.
Some anthropologist even think that the tall walls that surround Zimbabwe were a way to separate social classes, along with serving as protection.
Religious life
Around 1200 CE Great Zimbabwe was the hot spot for trade and religion.
The most famous God that the Zimbabweans were known for worshiping was Mwari. He is known as the God of the natural order.
start: 44:00
End: 45: 04
The Hill Complex is a sacred place where the king was housed.
They thought communication with the gods was so sacred, that it needed to be achieved by a medium.
The Hill Complex
Written Language And Oral Language
Great Zimbabwe did not have a written language
A Little Family Tree
Sadly, with nobody to continue speaking Zimbabwe's native language it was forgotten and no longer exists.
The first settlers in Great Zibabwe were most likely the Shona speaking people around 350 AD.
Various Shona dialects exist outside of Zimbabwe. (ex: Zimbabwe, southern Zambia, and west-central Mozambique.
The Shona tribe is tribe among other groups in Zimbabwe. The Shona represent over 80% of the population and numbering approximately to nine million.
Zimbabwe = "Great stone house"