Tap funnel Method
With the tap funnel method we can separate two liquids of different density (immiscible liquids)
(cc) image by nuonsolarteam on Flickr
And this is how you do a tap funnel method.
- separating funnel
- retort stand
- clamp
- 2 plastic beakers
- 2 beakers
Seperating mixtures / Tap funnel Method
To seperate water from oil.
- Pour the water and the oil into the tap funnel.
- Observe what happens.
- Place a beaker under the tap funnel.
- Open the tap.
- Close the tap when there is no more water.
- Change of beaker.
- Open the tap.
Tap Funnel method is for...
Immiscible liquids are two or more liquids that won't mix because they have different densities.