Apparent Magnitude
The appaent magnitude of epsilon eridani is 3.73 L (lumens), this is very dim. Lumens are the measure of the amount of deverted light emitted by a sorce.
Absolute Magnitude
Epsilon Eridani has a total luminosity of approximately 0.34 l (lumens)
Surface Gravity
Epsilon Eridani has a srface gravity of 490.35 m/s squared
This star has a moderate temperature of 5,084 K, 8691.53 degrees Fahrenhiet, and 4810.85 degrees Celsius.
Objects That Orbit It
The only things that orbit Epsilon Eridani are ateroids, two possible planets. This is what makes it unique
According to the H-R Diagram, since Epsilon Eridani is 5,084 K its color should be yellow
Epsilon Eridani has a mass of about 161,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg. This over 50 times the mass of the surface of the Earth.
Scientific Notation
In scientific notation epsilon eridnai weighs 1.61 x 10 to the power of 30
Current Stage Of Life
Epsilon Eridani i s currently a main sequence star.
Epsilon Eridani
By: Charly Hudson