Wait = 400/600=.6677*60 minutes = 40 minutes - 7.5 min
average weighing time = 32.5 minutes before moving
Wait = 40 minutes + 32.5 minutes = 1 hour and 20 minutes
Wait = 40 min + 40 min = (200/600=.33*60 =20min -
7.5min - 1 hour and 30 min)
Total wait truck 3 = 1 hour and 30 min
- Wait time compounds as dryer cannot catch up
Long Term
Mid Term
Short Term
History of Cranberry Production
Purchase 2 additional dryers - $80,000
- Begin dechaffing at 7 am
- Schedule Truck Arrival Times
- Find use for RP1 during cranberry off-season
- Possible Crops:
Scheduling Trucks
Improvements to Bottleneck
- 1978: Cranberry Marketing Order
- Total deliveries of the process berries in 1980: 610,185 barrels
- Normal deliveries per truck:
- 5-10 minutes to dump berries onto Kiwanee dumper
Average: 7.5 minutes
- (8 hours * 60 min)/7.5 min = 64 trucks per dumper per day
- 64 trucks * 5 dumpers = 320 trucks per day
40 trucks per hour can therefore
be scheduled
- 20-400 barrels
- Average: 75 barrels
Current Drying Rate: 600 bbls/hr
- Peak day backup: 14.03 hours
- Slow day backup: 5.75 hours
New Drying Rate: 840 bbls/hr
- Peak day backup: 7.73 hours
- Slow day backup: 1.82 hours
610,185 barrels/75 barrels = 8,136 truck loads each season
- Cherries
- Blueberries
- Peaches
- Rhubarb
- Peas
- Strawberries
- Sweet Onion
Light Meter System
- Reduces truck waiting times
- Reduces overtime costs
- Reduces backlog in the dryers
Why so high?
- Length of time to process berries
- How long to operate plant/schedule workers
Drying Capacity: 600 bbls/hr
Work Day: 8 hours
- 18,000 = 13 hours
- 12,000 = 6 hours
Overtime Costs
(450,000 x .75)/2 = $168,750
Inaccurate Grading
Max: 12,000 hrs x $9.75 = $117,000
Min: 12,000 hrs x $6.00 = $72,000
- Numbers 1, 2A, 2B, 3
- Number 3: $.75 premium
- 450,000 bbls of Number 3
- 50% were actually #3 quality
1. Overtime costs
2. Inaccurate grading
3. Inefficient processing start time
4. Truck waiting times
Jack Clifford
Sarah Fulton
Toni Gammello
Tina Gromadzki
Tyler Huhn
Team 10
National Cranberry Cooperative
Problem Statement
NCC needs to modify its operational format to streamline the processing of cranberries during peak season.
Inefficient Processing Start Time
How Does this Affect Truck Waiting Time?
- 1980 peak season max barrels for one day was 18,879
- Wet berries: 70% x 18879 = 13,215
- Dryers process 600 berries per hour
- In one day, it would take:
13215/600 = 22 hours to process all the barrels
Sample example from 1980
- Bins become full after 3200 barrels arrive
- Dumpers become full at 3000 barrels
- If in the last 2 hours, bins and dumpers have reached capacity and the next trucks in line have 400, 400, and 200 barrels respectively:
Case Background
Process Flow
Occurs once the wet holding bins are full.
- 3200 bbls
- Backs up into Kiwanee dumpers
- Percentage of wet cranberries will continue to rise
For all calculations we used the 70/30 ratio
- Trucks currently are not given time tables
- 1980 data is sufficient to make predictions for the following season
- Where specific data was unavailable, averages were used.
- Every berry must go into temporary holding bins before entering the dechaffing and destoning units
- NCC is cooperative owned by growers
- Peak season runs September 1 - December 15
- Water harvesting vs. Dry harvesting
- Water harvested berries are expected to increase from 58% to 70%.
Case Background
Process Flow