- Cognitive attitude ∝ behavioral attitude
- The finding that affective attitude is not significant is worth-noticing
Further Exploration in the Cognitive Factors
- iPhone’s ability to solve daily life problems
- Available colour options significantly affect behavioral attitude.
Sources of Information Search
Research Objective
- According to our textbook, this perhaps is due to
- High relevance of product to group
- Low individual purchase confidence
- Strong individual commitment to group
Chapter coverage
-Chapter 11: Attitudes and Influencing attitudes
Does its affective attitude or cognitive attitude impact the behavior attitude towards purchasing iPhone ? And what kind of affect it is, positive or negative?
Affective VS Cognitive @ Behavioral Attitude
Research Objective
- In general, affective and cognitive factors have a joint significance for behavioral attitude
- Influence on behavioral attitude: Cognitive attitude > Affective attitude
Chapter coverage
-Chapter 15: Information Search
Are consumers more trends to external search or internal search when they are making iPhone purchase decision? What are the different habits of information search between male and female?
Sources of Information Search
- Externally, primary reference group significantly influences behavioral attitude
- ex. family members, schoolmates and co-workers
- Beta is positive, so frequency of primary reference group ∝ behavior attitude toward iPhone.
Research Method
In form of questionnaire.
-Number of investigations:70 college students
Gender difference between internal & external search
Influence of Information Search Sources on Behavioral Attitude
- Male & Female college students significantly differ in frequency of external search
- General reliance on external search: Female students > male student
- Joint significance of internal and external sources for behavioral attitude
- Regarding joint significance, internal and external sources < affective and cognitive attitude
- Change cognitive component:
-Change beliefs:
the color choice of iPhone is proportional to the consumers purchase behavior
customized services (Build-A-Bear Company)
For example:
chose me
color me
name me
dress me
take me home
- People’s knowledge about iPhone learned in the past is although not very, quite significant for behavioral attitude
- Frequency of using past-acquired knowledge ∝ behavioral attitude
Critical Value:
p-value, Beta, and mean
dependent variables, independent variables
Gender difference between internal & external search
- Most different in influence of primary reference group
- In the influence of primary reference group question, female mean score > male mean score
- Reliance on primary reference group: Female students > male student
- Our opinion: Intuitive when deciding whether iPhone is worth-buying.
P-value: if < .05, significant
Beta: if >0, positive related
Mean: average value
Add beliefs:
- “Pupil identification” feature
-“We have what other company haven’t”
-High price ensure high quality and function
function of smart phone is the most important
Change affective component:
-Affective toward TV series movies online activities