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Indirect bullying happens when someone undermines another's reputation through rumors or gossips within their social group.
1. An indirect way of doing this would be getting another person to assault someone.
2. An indirect way would be by persuading another person to insult the victim.
3. It is difficult to get a firm grasp on what is happening quickly.
Direct tactics are those that are done directly to the victim.
1- A student persistently hits, kicks or riducules another student.
2. Some bullies use verbal language to insult or tease the victim.
3. Easy to detect.
According to Aunen (2009) "Cyber-bullying is a new form of bullying that follows students from the hallways of their schools to the privacy of their homes" (p.3)
"In the school yard, bullies would be noticed by teachers. However, online, there not any teacher watching over what is going on" (p.9)
How to help victims:
How to help bullies:
32% report having school supplies broken.
14% have experienced verbal bullying.
10% have been threatened by a peer.
8% have experienced social bullying.
7% have been struck by a classmate.
4.5% have been robbed by forced.
Juvonen and Graham (2010) state that bullying is "when a student is teased repeatedly in a mean and hurtful way" (p.6)
Bullying occurs not only in schools but also
in each student's home, so educators together with parents need to get involved and commit fully. Intervention must be taken
to ensure all students live in a respectful and
safe environment, and for this it is vital that
every student knows that bullying is wrong.
It comprehends any action that hurts someone's body such as hitting, beating, kicking, spitting (Rigby,2007).
This is the bullying that is done by means of words such as calling names, spreading rumors, teasing, intimidation, making fun of others (Rigby, 2007)