How is it made?
Where is it from?
-that originated during the
19th century in Belgium,
Limburger starts with milk which is heated with rennet. After being allowed to sit, this warmed milk separates into whey, which is discarded, and curds, are cut to release additional whey and then pressed. Limburger is traditionally made in salted rectangular molds and allowed to ripen in high humidity for two weeks. After this, the temperature is lowered and the cheese is aged for two to three months before being sold.
What Kind of milk is used to
to make limberger cheese?
This cheese is made with
milk from cows and also
known to be made with goat
Characteristics of limberger
Limberger cheese is a white cheese that has a very pungent smell and is normally cut into blocks, it has a different texture depending on when eaten.
Limberger Cheese
Uses of limberg cheese
Limberger cheese is used in sandwiches especially the limberger sandwich and after about 3 months the cheese will become spreadable
"Limburger Cheese: smooth and creamy with an intense smell and flavor." Shislers Cheese House: Swiss Cheese| Trail Bologna | Heggys Chocolates. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2012.
"Limburger Cheese." Stinky Cheese | Information on Smelly Cheeses . N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2012
"Limburger cheese." SCCS - Swarthmore College Computer Society. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2012
"What is Limburger?." wiseGEEK: clear answers for common questions. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2012.