Infectious Diseases
Four main types of infectious agents
- release tissue damaging toxins
- could be transmitted by physical contact or through the air
- spread through the body by attaching to cells to multiply.
- make you sick when they become human parasites
- through contaminated food, water, the bite of an insect, or person-to-person contact
- parasites spread through the body when they enter the blood stream
Disease prevention
- make you sick by feeding off living material which could cause an infection
- produce microscopic spores which can cause fungal infections
- contact and inhalation of the spores causes disease
- spores can be in the air or the soil.
Stay Clean
- viruses inject their genetic material into the cell causing the cell to make copies of the virus
- Viruses are spread through the air and physical contact
Get Vaccinated
- Wash your your hands- the obvious thing to do, wash your hands before you eat or prepare food.
- Take showers or baths at regular
- Keep your house clean- leaving food around and letting it go bad could cause fungi, bacteria, mold, or anything else to grow.
- injection of a dead or weakened disease- causing microorganism
- can't cause disease but it builds up the immune system against the disease
- this type of immunity can last very long
Take precautions
Things To Avoid
- Eat meat that is cooked fully
- Try to travel wisely
- Don't share drinks or food
- Try not to touch your face or eyes
- Avoid contact with people that are sick
- Don't drink water from the wild that has not gone through a cleaning process
- Don't go into stagnant water over 80 degrees Fahrenheit
- If you think you are sick contact a doctor
Bacterial Diseases
- Streptococcal Infection-cause strep throat
- Pneumonia- one form is caused by bacteria. cough, chest pain, fever
- Legionnaire's Disease- waterborne disease similar symptoms to pneumonia.
Viral Diseases
- Influenza (flu) some symptoms are nausea, diarrhea and fever
- Measles- itchy rash and high fever
- Mononucleosis- sore throat, fever, and aching joints
fungal diseases
- ring worm-skin infection
- athletes foot- itching and burning
- aspergillus- fever, chills, and nosebleed
protozoa diseases
- Malaria-chills, vomiting, fever, and sweating
- tape worms- nausea, weakness, and diarrhea
- giardiasis- fatigue, vomiting and diarrhea
ring worm