- Being a main source of online retailer
- The good customer service
- Able to ship to consumers globally
- Always updated on Technology which makes the company well ahead
- The hackers and idenity thefts
- Lawsuits from the wrong pricing of publishers
- Don't lose their market conditions when improving
- Amazon is moving away from their main focus of business
- Loses money because of free shipping
- Online retailing might block them from their main goal
- Increase the offerings of the products
- Upgrading their payment system and security
- Expanding their global footprint by opening more to sites
- Holds packages under 5 pounds
- Delivers in an hour or less
- capable of traveling within 10 miles
The Sales of Amazon
Future Plans of Amazon
Fun Fact
Amazon is named after a South American River
"Start of Something Great" cont.
- To involve more companies and websites into their company
- To sell more products
- To continue their free shipping
- Provide a new healthcare company for their employees
- To continue the works of "Amazon Prime Air"
-the drone that would deliver you package in an hour
- Moved to Seattle for their high-tech workforce and large book distribution
- In order to start his business, he had to raise funds.
- Worked with software developers to build the Website
- In July 1996, the company launched it's official website
- After 4 months, the Website was a major hit
- Earned lots of recongition on Point Communications,Yahoo, and Netscapes's top 10 list
- In 2 months, Amazon was making $20,000 a week
- In 2 years, Amazon was the #1 internet marking site
- As Amazon became bigger, the variety of products increased
- In 1998, Bezos offered the sales of
Early Life
The History of Amazon
“Jeff Bezos.”, A&E Networks Television, 7 Mar. 2018,
- Bezo was very interested in how computers worked
- As a child, he turned his garage into a laboratory
(Making lots of rigged electrical contraptions)
- Moved to Miami to grow his love for computers even more
- Graduated from the school as a high honor roll student
- His first business was the Dream Institute
(an educational summer camp for 4th-6th graders)
"The Start of Something Great"
Sales of Amazon cont.
"Start of Something Great" cont..
By:David Salazar
- Amazon started to release it's own products
- Amazon released a product call, "Amazon Instant Video"
- Released in 2006, the Amazon Instant Video was a video on demand system on TiVo
- The system was to record your favorite show so you could replay later
- As the use of the internet grew more and more, Bezo wanted to get involved
- Started a Internet market
- Wanted to sell compact discs, computer software, videos, and books
- Later decided to sell books because of the large market for literature
- Large amount of books were also available to sell
Who is Jeff Bezos?
- Website sold over millions of titles
- The start of the company all started from Bezos's company
- No warehouse was needed
- The orders were directly placed through wholesalers and publishers
- The company was planned to succeed due to their sales
- The company moved to an office
(Has customer support, shipping, and receiving area)
- Jeff Preston Bezos, is the american entrepreneur that created the website
- Jeff was born on January 12, 1964 in Albuquerque, New Mexico
- Graduated from Princeton University in 1986
- Married to Mackenzie Bezos
- Has 4 children
Early Life cont.
- Went to Princeton University to get a degree in computer science
- Worked at Wall Street as a fitel, Bankers Trust and the investment firm
- Later became the youngest vice president that the company has ever had in 1990
- This is where he met his future wife, Mackenzie
- In 1994, he quit his job and moved to Seattle to try and make an online market
Amazon Kindle cont.
Amazon Kindle
- In September of 2011, Amazon released the Kndle Fire HD
- The release of the tablets were giving Apple some trouble
- Amazon's sales went from $510,000 in 1995 to $17 billion in 2011
- Released in 2007
- A handhold digital book reader
- Able to buy, download,read and store certain book selections
- Because of the Kindle, Amazon entered the world of tablet marketing
- In 2011, Amazon continued the Kindle series by launching the Kindle Fire
Works Cited
"We haven't built the best tablet at a certain price. We have built the best tablet at any price,"
-Bezos said, according to ABC News.
“Jeff Bezos.”, A&E Networks Television, 7 Mar. 2018,
“Jeff Bezos.”, A&E Networks Television, 7 Mar. 2018,
Hall, Mark. “” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 31 Oct. 2017,
MSG Management Study Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved March 20, 2018, from (2018). Redirect Page. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Mar. 2018].