John Hicks Theodicy
Contemporary theologian
Developed the theodicy orginally put forward by St Irenaeus
A form of the free will defence
Hicks vital additions were
The concept of soul making
The epistemic distance
The conept of universal salvation
Concerning Imperfection
According to Irenean tradition, man is created in two steps - Bios and Zoe
Bios = This phase is the creation of man in the image of God
Zoe = The quality or attainment of the likeness of God
The relationship between God and humankind is a parent/child relationship on a grand scale
First is actual conception and birth of the child
Second is parents teaching the child difference between right and wrong
He argues intial perfection would not be as valuable as perfection achieved through trial and error
Universal Salvation
Epistemic Distance
Gods purpose is to develop every human into his likeness
Everyone should be allowed into heaven
No good can come out of the vil of eternal suffering e.g. hell
God cant force people to develop into His likesness
So hell in his view is Purgtory
Somewhere God can punish us for our own good
Humans had to be created at a distance from God
To decided whether or not to follow His laws
If God's presence was too close, humans would be overwhelmed by
knowledge of God's expectations.
They would obey God because they felt He was overlooking their every move
Not because they had chosen to out of their own choice
Photo based on: 'horizon' by pierreyves @ flickr