Local Government in Slovakia – Structure
Local Government in Slovakia – competences
Local Government in Slovakia – Elected Bodies
- administration of municipal property
- budgeting
- enacting, abolishing and administering local taxes and fees
- economic activity (e.g. approving business activities)
- local roads, public spaces, cemeteries, cultural and sport facilities
- utilities, waste management and local transportation
- environment protection, education, culture and sport
- customer protection and provision of goods
- local planning
- investing activities and filial organizations
- local referendum
- public order
- protection of cultural and natural heritage
- social services according to the Act No 448/2008 Coll. on Social Services
- 2 930 local governments in Slovakia
- 138 cities
- 39 city districts (cities Bratislava and Košice)
- 2 753 municipalities
- 2 500 municipalities with less than 2 000 inhabitants
- 2 000 municipalities with less than 1 000 inhabitants
- Largest city: Bratislava – 413 000 inhabitants
- Smallest municipalities: Havranec & Príkra – 12 inhabitants
- City / Local / Municipal Assembly
- 3 – 41 members, elected for 4 years by the first-by-the-post system
- competences: municipal property, budget, land use planning, taxes and fees, international cooperation, municipal organizations etc.
- Mayor
- elected directly for 4 years by the first-by-the-post system
- competences: chairs assembly session (cannot be a member), general administration, external representation of the local government, all competences that do not belong to the assembly
- City / Local / Municipal Council
- may be established by the assembly, number of members cannot exceed 1/3 of the assembly
- executive body of the assembly and advisory body of the mayor
- other: City / Local / Municipal Office, Head of the Office, Comptroller, "Meeting of Citizens"
Local Governments in Slovakia
and Association of Towns and Communities of Slovakia (ZMOS)
ZMOS – International Cooperation
ZMOS – Overview
ZMOS – Characteristics
ZMOS – Goals
- largest non-governmental organization in Slovakia associating cities and municipalities as legal persons
- representative – ca. 95% of Slovak local governments are members of ZMOS
- independent and non-partisan
- democratic, built on a bottom-up approach
- funded by membership fees (ca. 0,14 € per citizen per year)
- 2 769 member cities, city districts and municipalities
- elected bodies:
- General Assembly – meets on annual basis; electoral assemblies can be attended by all member local governments; regular assemblies are attended by up to 800 delegates
- Council – meets ca. 6 times per year; 131 members; 8 expert committees (6-12 members) meeting twice per year
- Presidency – meets monthly; 24 members
- President – elected for 4 years during the electoral General Assembly; rotation of cities and municipalities
- all elected bodies are created on regional basis and their members are delegated by regional associations
- 60 regional associations
- office of ZMOS – divided into departments in accordance with committees of the Council
- defend and promote common interests and rights of the associated cities and municipalities in accordance with the principles of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, Constitution and laws of the Slovak Republic
- promote development of local governments and of their activities
- address common issues of members
- draw up solutions of problems to competent central government authorities while adhering to the principle of members’ autonomy
- unify execution of the bestowed tasks by local governments
- member of Council of European Municipalities and Regions CEMR, United Cities and Local Governments UCLG, Standing Committee Euro-Mediterranean Partnership of the Local and Regional Authorities COPPEM
- representing local governments in the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe and the Committee of the Regions of the European Union
- implementation of activities in cooperation with foreign associations of local governments
- participation of elected representatives in international conferences and meetings
- transfer of good experience related to local governments
- facilitating twinning cooperation of Slovak local governments with foreign partners
- official development assistance of the Slovak Republic
Thank you for your attention!
Jozef Dvonč
President of ZMOS