Trade Unions in the Industrial Revolution
What are Trade Unions?
- labour unions
- combination of workers
What do they do?
Why did they combine?
- social inequalities
- bad working conditions
- feeling of betrayal and helplessness
- child labour
- negotiate wages + working conditions
- mediate
- collective actions
- raise demands
- settle grievances
Trade Unions - A successful way to fight poverty in the Industrial Revolution?
Chartism, 1840-1848
Trade Union Congress
Combination Act, 1799
Repeal of the Combination Act,1824
6-Point Charter by the Radical MP's
- political movement based on a 6-point charter
- millions joined the 3 petitions
- it has never been passed
- An Act to prevent Unlawful Combinations of Workmen
- prohibited Unionism
- sentence: 3 months imprisonment or 2 months of hard labour
- triggered by Jacobin Club
- originally United Kingdom Alliance of Organised Trade (1866)
- founded in Manchester in 1868
- General Federation of Trade Unions (1899)
- British Labour Party
- Robert Peel: men without property should be combining
- failed assumption by Place and Hume
- Master and Servant Act and the act of Conspiracy still applied
1st: all men over 21 are allowed to vote
2nd: secret ballot voting
3rd: annual voting
4th: even constituencies
5th: no property qualifications for MPs
6th: payment for MPs
Trade Unions - A successful way to fight poverty in the Industrial Revolution?
Tolpuddle Martyrs, 1834
New unionism ,1850-today
Luddites Riots, 1811-1813
- 6 workers from Tolpuddle formed the Friendly Society of Agricultural Labourers (FSAL)
- decrease of wages
- led by mythical King Ned Ludd, assumedly lived in Sherwood Forest
- started 1811
- destroyed machinery
- spread their riots
- unions were ordered by branches and districts
- first women's 'trade unions' were established
- Labour Representation Comittee
- number of Labour MPs rose from 2 to 29 (1900-1906)
- no work for less than 10 shillings
- transportation to Australia for 7 years
- discouragement for others - Grand National Consolidated Trades Union Collapsed
- in March 1836 the sentences were remitted
1 is worth nothing
but together they are more than one and more than the upper class
Did Trade Unions fight poverty in the Industrial Revolution?
- too many changes in laws and unions, no stability within the IR
- the labour representation in the parliament rose
- labour party still exists
- TUC still exists