Role of a Critic
- responsible critic will do more than just condemn or praise a preformance.
- offer convincing arguments to substantiante his or her claims.
- Must be able to analyze what they hear so they can communicate their opinions rationally and coherently.
- good critic take in account the nonmusical aspects of preformance.
Developing critical skills
Language of criticism
- Range from scorn to praise.
- Colorful language, descriptive nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
- Words help explain points of view and back up claims.
- Aesthetic: concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty OR a set of principles underlying and guiding the work of a particular artist or artistic movement.
Call and response
Call and response is a form of "spontaneous verbal non-verbal interaction between speaker and listener in which all of the statements ('calls') are punctuated by expressions ('responses') from the listener."
- developing your ability to identify various levels of listening helps you appreciate the music you are listening to.
- comparing the experience of listening to music alone vs. with other people.
- an ensemble is a cooperative musical expression. Made up of several different musicians.
Mariachi Tradition
- Each of us entitled to our own ikes and dislikes.
- Opinions not sufficient in judging a work or genre.
- Music should be judged by its merits.
- Basis of every judgement is critique: Timbre, Expressiveness, Technique, Presentation, Impact.
Performing music together
- From mexican state of Jalisco.
- Musical group with several violins, trumpets, large bass guitar, and special five to six string guitars.
- Five string rhythym guitar called vihuela.
- Popular types of mariachi music: Jalisciense and cancion.
- texture is the way sounds are woven together.
- an ensemble is a cooperative musical expression. Made up of several different musicians.
- Monophonic means in unison with everyone sounding the same pitch or octave at the same time.
Becoming a perceptive listener
- Perceptive listening relies on knowledge of music.
- ex: melody, rhythm, harmony, timbre, texture, form
- The more you know the easier the music is to understand.
Levels of listening
- The different levels of attentiveness that impact how we listen to music.
- example: how do you listen to elevator music? casual or perceptively?
- How absorbed you are in the music you are listening to.
- Aural: of or relating to the ear or the sense of hearing.
- Hearing live music is exciting.
- music used to put you in a certain mood or invoke a certain action.
- listening and appreciating a musical work for it full range of technical and expressive properties.
- Analytical
- increases our understanding of music.
Performing music alone
- A way to express one's feelings
- Artistic expression
- enjoy the intensity of focusing on one timbre and one pitch at a time.
- the person playing becomes his/her own audience
How we experience listening
- Our choices usually depend on our mood
- casual listening, not listening perceptively.
- usually using headphones
- create an atmosphere.
- One of most popular ways to experience music is through headphones/ ear buds
- Sometimes very moving
- Music helps us shut out the world
Flute Music
- A common instrumnt in many cultures throughout the world.
- Can be made from natural materials.
- Melodic instrument widely used by native americans.
- Native american flute playing nearly extinct.
Experiencing music
By: Allison Jeing