Meet the Democrat-SEIU-Media Crime Ring
SEIU Union Thugs
Bob Casey
part of
- Paid $65k in bribes to Media Matters and Huffington Post
- Sponsored racist attack on victim Gladney
- Hired top criminal defense attorney to defend assailants
- Effectively bankrupt due to financial mismanagement
- Begging Democrat Bob Casey for taxpayer bailout
- Video taped beating Ken Gladney
- Employees of SEIU Local 2000 (now defunct)
- Filed worker's comp for injuries sustained assaulting Gladney
- SEIU paid for their criminal defense attorney
- Admited calling Gladney racial epithets
- Frantically trying to escape prosecution
$165 Billion
Attorney Fees
Worker's Comp
- Campaigned on socialist, anti-business agenda
Introduced $165 billion union bailout bill
- Wants taxpayers to cover decades of union financial abuse
- Among all-time top recipients of union campaign bribes
- Best friend of criminal enterprise ACORN
- Received $50,000 bribe from bankrupt SEIU
- Funded by international socialist George Soros
- Launched campaign to drop charges against SEIU employees
- Received $15,000 bribe from bankrupt SEIU
- Funded by international socialist George Soros
- Launched campaign to drop charges against SEIU employees
Do you really want to reimburse HuffPo and Media Matters
for protecting the thugs who hospitalized a man out of pure