The Burning-Ice Planet
Glieise 436 B
Gilese 436 B
- Discovered in 2007
- By R Paul Butler and Geoffrey Marcy
- They used the radial velocity method to detect it
- What makes it interesting?
- The planet is covered entirely with extremely hot solid water
- The alien like water solid much like ice on earth
Burning Ice Planet
- The strange water remains in solid (ice-like) state due to the planets immense gravity
- It can be compared to the rise in pressure as you swim deeper in a swimming pool.
- Orbits around its star at a distance of 4 million kilometers. (15 times closer than Mercury's average distance from the sun)
- The temperature: 712° K (439 °C)
- 22 times as massive as Earth
- Knowing the size and mass of the planet allowed us infer that it's mainly composed of water
- They discovered it while it was transiting, measuring a slight dimming the luminosity.
- Careful observations of the transit allowed them to calculate the size of the planet
- It came out to be about four times the diameter of Earth
""Hot Ice" Planet Discovered, Covered in "Solid Water," Experts Say." National Geographic. National Geographic Society, n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2013.
"Gliese 436 B." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Nov. 2013. Web. 27 Nov. 2013.
"GLIESE 436 B – A Burning Ice Cube." M D Turner. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2013.
Burning Ice
- Due to the Immense pressure, the exotic water is pressed solid, like ice
- Probably formed in its current position, as a gas giant, and migrated inwards with the other gas giants
- It has a small rocky core
- Large layer of very hot solid water
- Thin outer layer of hydrogen and helium gas