How to get even more exposure?
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Higher Ratings = Higher Rankings = More Exposure = More Clientele
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The Result?
1. Both dentist and labs contribute to
improve each other's rankings
The cases developed by the labs, that are associated with the dentist, are available for rating by the dentist, and the rankipedia network of the dentist.
2. With exposure coming from the
dentists and their rankipedia
network, labs get more prominent
and attract more clientele.
Dentist's Ranking
Labs Ranking
With more ratings from the dentists
and consumers, the labs, and dentists
associated with the labs contribute to
improve each other's rankings.
...associate them with
the dentists they developed
them for.
Rankipedia allows Dental Labs to showcase their artistry, and therefore attract more clientele.
...and invite the associated dentists to rate the work they did for the dentists.
Showcase Your Craft
Labs can add their cases to their Rankipedia profile
Dental Labs
The more successful your dentists become..
Both financially, and in terms of
the results
Your success is directly related to the
success of the dentists you work
Every time you add a case to your profile, you can share it with your social network for them to rate.
Rankipedia Labs
What does a dental lab want?
You want more paying dentists
sending you the lab work!
You want that phone ringing!
Rankipedia Labs
Profile Today!