According to Plato... Among Other Things
Plato... He's So B.C.
Plato Would of Hated My Work
Plato was forward thinking for his time I believe, but he's so archaic in reference to modern art.
He believed mimesis in art:
- corrupted societies
- evoke emotions that were morally wrong
- art is an illusion more than a reality
- shouldn't be taught in education
- if it was to be taught in education, should be censored so only good emotions are evoked
- My art is an imitation of a planetary landscape, an illusion.
- I'm not an expert authority on planets
- I'm decieving an audience
Which for me is not the case, I am trying to help better educate the public by giving a visual understanding of planetary landscapes.
- People can't visually see a planet landscape for themselves to get their own perception, so I choose to represent it myself
- imitation is good because that's how people learn
- an artist can be well equiped with universal truth and knowledge that their work can't be so easily dismissed as being deceitful
My Mimesis According to Plato
- Art is parallel to reality
- Its twice removed from the truth. There's the truth, how we percieve the truth, then how we choose to represent the truth known as mimesis
In the case of my work
my imitation of planetary landscape to create landscape models to photograph to represent a planet is mimesis
Mimesis as Impersonation
What is Mimesis [to Plato]
Mimesis as Image Making
...according to Book 10 of The Republic
Mimesis as Reproduction
“likening oneself to another either in voice or in
Morally Corrupting
Mimesis = art of an actor or performer/ art of a painter
Product = the performance / the painting
Original = the speech or the action in real life / the subject
- Should at least have some good qualities of the original product
- Can be useful as long as its limitations are known
- Can provide the next best thing if the original is lost or divine
- It's deceptive if the audience believes the artist or poet is an expert authority on the subject of the painting or poem.
- Just because they represent it, does not mean they are the expert on the subject.
- it's based on mere appearance, so far remote from the truth it can not be used in education
- Mimesis shows by means of action that is enacted
- Mimics or a Representation of Nature
- "Imitation" , deceptition
- "mimesis is the process by which a poet, artist, or other imitator adapts selected features of an original to a product (mimma) in such a way that the product has an effect through its maker's art that the original would have by its nature"
- Mimesis as impersonation, image making, and reproduction
In case of My Work
I take into account NASA data, the most original the product can get to a planet, and try to represent it through organic products. The limitations are known to the viewer that this is not really the landscape of a planet, but can provide further understanding of the planetary landscape by getting a visual understanding of the planet.
In case of my work
Mimesis = art of the modeler and photographer
Product = the landscape photography
Original = NASA planetary data
In relation to my Work it can intepreted that I am not the expert of the subjects of planet, I merely want to create a visual representation of the planetary landscape