The Purpose of using prezi as a teaching tool
- Prezi is more interesting for students to follow and helps them to pay attention
- Can really bring your information to life and makes it exciting
By: Cheyenne Johnson
A prezi is a cloud based presenting tool.
Prezi advantages and disadvantages
Tips for making your Prezi
- Easy for students to pay attention.
- It's free to use.
- Show's your students that you are "up to date" with technology.
- Can cause motion sickness in some.
- Unable to print handouts for students.
- Be careful while zooming and spinning so your viewers don't get lost or become sick.
- Just like a PowerPoint, keep the information brief.
- Don't add to many stops in your prezi.
Remember you can
always add in links, videos,
and images to make your
prezi "Pop"