Living like St Dominic...
Dominic was always a strong believer in God and faith. He spent most of his time praying to the lord.
When St Dominic's mother was having dominic, she had a dream about him. In the dream he was a dog with a torch of fire in his mouth running around lighting up the world.
From this moment Dominic's mother knew that he would be very special.
St Dominic was very caring and loving to the public. He knew that the poor especially needed help, love and care, so he very thoughtfully sold his precious books to give some money to the poor.
As a young boy he was an ordinary boy in an ordinary town.
Dominic decided that he wanted to become a preist, and he went to live with his Uncle. Dominic was a very faithful person and often talked to God through prayer. He wanted to become a priest because his family influenced him to, because his brothers and uncle were all priests and his family followed those values.
St Dominic had many influences on his life.
Some of these people are his family: his mother,
his father, and his two brothers manners and
anthony. Another peson who had a very big
influence on St Dominic was the bishop. Dominic
spent some time with the bishop to help dominic
achieve one of his many goals he had.
St Dominic was a very loving and caring person. He loved to help people and be sure that everyone was happy. He had many goals and was sure to achieve them all. An example of this, is how he created the dominicans. This was a very important goal to him and was positive that he created this group of dominicans.
Dominc lived a chalenging but rewarding life.
He died in Bolania on the 6th of August 1221 at the young age of 48.
Dominic was canonized in 1234, and is well respected as a Saint.
We should all go and
follow the steps of St
Dominic and try to be
more like him.
Thank you
By Lara Riccioni
& Daniela Pitton.
Throughout the rest of his life, he assisted the poor and became a priest and was faithful to God.
Dominic's books were very special and important
to him. He carried them everywhere and he was
always reading them, because dominic knew that
learning was very important and he loved to learn.