Banner presentation
& Alma Mater
update 4-21 3PM
May 2, 2014
The Main Event
Special Recognition
Perfect act
semifinalist scholars
AP Exam
Regional Merit Scholars
Thank you!
Class Comp-each have a cheer
Rachael, Mitch, Zach
Dance Team
National Championship
4 person candy cane game
-Gummy Bears-
-egg roll-
-balloon Pop-
-Egg Roll-
Teachers participating:
need names
need names
Spring Sports Video
Daryn, Dominic
Rachael, Mitch, Zach
E-com working on sports video
3-4 minutes
email to
music to Hilliard
Coach Shannon will speak
banner reveal--Mic&Camera in east gym (live video) E-com needed
Girls recognized and called to the floor
Candy throw
Assembly for Spring Recognition
Video Movies
Jack, Colton
Hunger Games filming started finish seminar Thursday Completed
script written 4/21
1710 Recognition
Seniors vs Faculty
Ships & Sailors
or tug of war (instead)
Madi, Hannah
asking teachers - Wed&Thurs
Start Here:
In this order
6 minute video covering how they did at Nationals. Sponsor emailing video to Hilliard.
Worcester (2 min) to recognize all the team that participated in competitions.
Run Flags
Slide show (mix-upbeat to sentimental) &Senior Interviews
SPED Recognition
Class Comp-each class cheers
cheerleaders preformance
1710 Recognition (robitics)
Dance Team (National Championship)
Special REC academic (need names)
Irish Band preformance
Spring Sports Need a List of them
Candy throw / band plays
Video (RFC) - Brief Commercial break
Seniors Vs Faculty (Ships & Sailors) or tug WAR
Banner presentation/ sing Alma Mater
Flag run
New RFC Members introduce them
Sitting in "theater" for movie trailers
Senior Slide Show
Brogan, Brittany
Filming Interviews during lunch this Thursday4-17.
Saving pictures off the twitter account to be incorporated into the video.
Drop dead date
April 28
Kristen & Zane
SPED Recognition
Script completed.
Approval letter sent.
Mrs. Reiter approval needed upon completion.
One interview to finish 7th hour.
Lauren, Kayla
banner completed