- I am very religious
- Seperated from my father
- Once my mother died i was sent to Savannah to live with my aunt
- Wrote a book about the expierences women had during the Revolutionary war
- Recollections of a Georgia loyalist is my book name
- Was indirect(didn`t have a large role) during the Revolution
Facts About Me
Marsh, Ben. "Elizabeth Lichtenstein Johnston (1764-1848)." Elizabeth Lichtenstein Johnston (2013): 1+. New Georgia Encyclopedia. Web. 23 Oct. 2013 Morriz, Julie, and Wendy L. Thorpe. "Biography – LICHTENSTEIN, ELIZABETH – Volume VII (1836-1850) – Dictionary of Canadian Biography." LICHTENSTEIN, ELIZABETH. University of Toronto/Université Laval, n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2013
My Family
- I had 10 kids
- 7 lived past infancy
- John Lightenstone, my father served Governor Sir James Wright in several capacities
- He was also a guide and adviser to the Georgia Light Dragoons
- And was a scout-boat pilot which was commanded by the royal goverment
- William Martin Johnston, my husband also was a captain in the New York Volunteers
- My mothers father, Philip Delegal commanded a company other under James Oglethorpe
Light Dragoons
New York Volunteers
- Loyalists that were essentially trained and equipped in the manner of British regulars
Where I was born, raised, and died
- Is an army unit in the royal British army in the Revolutionary war
- Born beside the Little Ogeechee River on May 28, 1764
- Raised their with my mother and father
- I died in Halifax, Nova Scotia on September 24, 1848
Elizabeth Lichtenstein Johnston