- Snapshots of the repository state available as a TAR or ZIP file.
- This is typically what you download when you first start with Drupal.
Coding on drupal.org
Full, publicly viewable projects without namespaces. Try it out before creating your own module/theme. http://drupal.org/node/add/project-project
- All Drupal contributions are projects (even Drupal itself).
- Projects are a container for a repository (code), issues (bug reports), and metadata about the project.
- All code changes start and end in the issue queue.
- "Talk is silver, code is gold."
- Code is submitted in (typically in response to) an issue, reviewed and tested by members of the community, then finally committed once it is ready.
- Capture the history and current state of a project.
- Allow for multiple major versions of a project (branches).
- Allow for a current minor version, with a history of previous releases (tags).
- Format for a drupal project repository tag: projectname-branch-tag (such as views-6.x-2.12)