Limiting Factors
- Density Independent- international pet trade is one density-independent factor for the population.
- Density dependent- The cutting down of the forest for coffee production causes the loss of the yellow-blotched palm-pitviper's habitat.
Yellow-blotched Palm-Pitviper
We can help
The IUCN Red List is an organization trying to watch and protect the yellow-blotched palm-pitviper.
Food Web
Tree Frogs
- Their bright green color allows them to blend in with the vegetation in order to hide when hunting.
- They use their poisonous venom to attack and kill their prey.
- Some of the bigger pit-vipers have an advantage in getting more prey and surviving.
Yellow-blotched palm-pitvipers don't really have any predators. They are at the top of the food chain in their environment.
Yellow-splotched palm-pitviper
Physical Attributes
- Yellow-blotched palm-pitvipers usually are green with a dark stripe extending from each eye.
- Length ranges from below seventy centimeters to over one meter.
- They have yellow blotches in a pattern along their bodies.
- The yellow-blotched palm-pitviper contains enough venom to kill a human.
- The pitvipers usually are found in cloud forests or subtropic wet forests
Cloud Forests:
Are tropical forests with continuous cloud cover over the year.