Applying the Hero's Journey to The Outsiders
"When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home.”
- He begins an autobiographical essay in hopes that other greasers will read it and will not "nurse their anger at the world"
Background on the Novel
- Follows the life of 14 year-old Ponyboy Curtis over the course of two-weeks as he takes on the journey of self-discovery
What the Bee Knows
- Written by 15 year old S.E.Hinton
"Perhaps the hero is one who puts his foot upon a path not knowing what he may expect from life but in some way feeling in his bones that life expects something from him"
Call to Adventure
- When the Socs come up to Ponyboy and Johnny at the park and try to fight them
Myth and Meaning
Refusal to Call
- "Where does mythology end and history start?"
The Call is Answered
- Ponyboy refuses to fight but instead spits in one of the Socs face
- The call in answered when Johnny stabs a Socs and kills him for trying to drown Ponyboy.
Supernatural Aid/Mentor
& Amulets
- "There are histories which are highly repetitive; the same type of event can be used several times"
- Socs then try to drown Ponyboy in the park fountain
- " our own societies, history has replaced mythology and fullfills the same function."
- Dally gives the boys money, a gun and a location for them to stay until the murder has blown over
Crossing the
- The boys go to hide out in a church
- Dally comes to update them about the murder situation
- Johnny decides that he wants to go confess so Ponyboy can be reunited with his brothers
Belly of the Whale
- The church catching on fire with school children in it
- Dally robbing a grocery store
- Johnny gets badly burned,resulting in his death
- Police shoot Dally for aiming a gun at them
- Ponyboy realizes that if he continues down the path of a greaser the result will be death
- Parents died eight months ago in a car crash
- Being raised by his greaser brothers Darry and Sodapop
- Always with his best friend Johnny
- Looks up to toughest greaser in town Dally
Crisis of Self
- comes from a greaser background
- looks up to toughest greaser in town
- thinks he can only be a greaser
- enjoys sunsets and literature