Welcome to Mrs. Skariah's Third Grade!
- Practice math facts!
- Right now: adding strategies, the Commutative and Associative Properties of Addition, place value, estimation, mental math
ELA - intoReading
- Whole and small groups
- Grammar, writing, reading, spelling, phonics, comprehension, fluency
- Book Talks replace Reading Logs
- Math and Spelling: Mon-Thurs
- Please check homework
- All tests need to be signed
- Read 20 min a day
- Practice fluency
- Book Talks -- coming soon!
- SS/Science HW when taught
intoReading is brand new and has never been taught before. Please be patient with us!
- Plant Growth & Development
- Sound
- Water
Classroom Management
Class Dojo is for:
- Homework assignments
- Positive/needs work notes
- Quick questions
- Updates from the classroom
Social Studies
- Social Studies Alive! Series
- Supports reading comrehension
- "My Community and Beyond"
- We are all trying our best
- We all have six million other things going on
- Please consider this before you reach out
- I will always do what I think is best for the entire class
Thank you for sharing your wonderful kids with me!
Contact Me
Class Dojo is NOT for:
- conferencing
- tutoring
- replacing office communication
- sskariah@upperdarbysd.org
- check out my teacher page
- notes
- message me on ClassDojo