Holy Texts:
- Their holy text was written by their leader, Dr. Malachi York, and is called the "Holy Tablet"
- It is a 1,700 page book that teaches the truths of the world and Nuwaubianism.
Origin of Faith:
Major Practices:
- The founder is Malachi (Dwight) York, born in 1935. The group started as a Black Muslim group in New York in 1967 but shifted to an Ancient Egyptian themed focus.
Location of Followers:
How is Nuwaubianism Different?
- in 1993 the group purchased 476 acres of land to create a "Egyptian based recreational village" called Tama-re
- Cosmology
- The Three Pillars: Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom and Right Overstanding
- Seven Interpenetrating Planes: The material plane; the plane of force; the spiritual plane; the mental plane; the plane of divine truth; the plane of divine reality; and the "bosom of El Eloh" (each have 7 subplanes, and those subplanes have 7 subplanes of their own)
- Meant to break out of the confines of the generic three dimensions and seek union with "The All"
Nuwaubianism is different than the other religions because it is younger than all of the religions we have previously studied in class, it is also officially clssified as a cult. Compared to the other religions we studied in class, Nuwaubianism is the only one that preaches the leadership of extra terrestrial beings.
Some Beliefs:
- Nuawabianism encourages the fair treatment of all people however, they believe that Black people (also referred to as Nubians or Melanites ) are the more superior people on Earth.
- York teaches that holy texts from other religions were made to keep Nubians from the truth and believes that everyone should have access to the truth.
- Saturn is not a planet but a moon of the planet Titan. Santa Clause's hat is a representation of Saturn
- The Pyramids in Egypt are really antennas keeping the earth from wobbling.
- Aborted babies live in the sewers and are currently being trained to be an army.
- Disco was created by the devil as a means to corrupt the Nubian soul.