Lord of the Flies Unit Exam Review
- True/False - 10 questions/ 2 pts. each= 20
- Multiple Choice- 10 questions/ 2 pts. each= 20
- Quotations- 4 pts. each = 24
- Identify the Speaker 2 pts. each = 6
- Matching- 15 questions/ 2 pts. each= 30
- Constructed Response- 1 question/ separate 100 pts.
When Ralph is elected chief, Jack is so frustrated he refuses to hunt. True or False?
1) Each group will have one member answering a question. (Start with red. Then, pass to the right).
2) If you get the question right, then you get the points. If your group answers wrong, then you receive 0 points.
3) All answers must be written on the communicator.
4) The winning team will receive 5 extra credit points.
**If you are disruptive/disrespectful/not participating, you will lose points on your Summative!
Identify the speaker: "Which is better, law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?
Ralph is elected chief for all except one of the following reasons:
a. He is tall and fair haired
b. He make a popular impression
c. He possesses intellectual superiority
d. He has the conch
Match the following term: Roger
a. Frightened and hurt by boys when he plays the role of pig.
b. Kills Piggy then sharpens a stick at both ends
b. Kills Piggy then sharpens a stick at both ends
c. He posses intellectual superiority
Ralph starts the signal fire by rubbing two sticks together. True or false?
Identify the speaker: "I'm not going to play any longer. Not with you."
Match the following term: Eric
a. The person that Ralph was actually fighting in the dark
b. He is mistaken for the beast and killed
While staring at the severed pig's head, Simon has a mystical experience, which reveals to him that the beast is:
a. On the mountaintop
b. A creature the boys can hunt and kill
c. A creature from the sea
d. The evil within the human heart and mind
d. the evil within the human heart and mind
a. The person that Ralph was actually fighting in the dark
Piggy was the only boy on the island whose hair never seemed to grow. True or False?
Identify the speaker, to whom it was spoken and an explanation of the event's significance in relationship to theme, tone, character and plot development.
"I was talking about smoke! Don't you want to be rescued?"
Match the following term: Fire
a. Liberates Jack from the shame of self conciousness
b. Without this the boys cannot be rescued
Roger is unable to throw rocks directly at the littlun on the beach because:
a. The laws of civilization restrain him
b. He is afraid of what Ralph will do
c. The littlun is partialy hidden by a sandy wall
d. Ralph is watching him too closely
a. The laws of civilization restrain him
b. Without this the boys cannot be rescued
Speaker: Ralph Explanation: Ralph is associated
Speaking to: Jack with civilization. He knows fire is
important to be rescued.
Piggy's parents are both dead. True or False?
Identify the speaker: "Why do you hate me?"
Match the following term: Piggy's specs
a. The boys use these to start a fire
b. This is left as an offering to the beast
When Robert suggests that the game needs a real pig "because you've got to kill him," what does Jack suggest using?
a. a dead pig
b. a dummy
c. a littlun
d. Simon
a. The boys use these to start a fire
c. a littlun
The littluns would starve to death if not for the skill and tenacity of the hunters. True or False?
Match the following term: Piggy
a. He is mistaken for the beast and killed
b. A falling boulder kills this boy
Identify the speaker, to whom it was spoken and an explanation of the event's significance in relationship to theme, tone, character and plot development. " The rock struck Piggy, a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist...Piggy fell forty feet and landed on his back across the square, red rock in the sea. His head opened and stuff came out and turned red."
Jack changes from a civilized schoolboy to a(n):
a. insane butcher obsessed with murdering his way to power
b. sadist obsessed with torture
c. clever tyrant obsessed with creating a new form of government
d. savage obsessed with hunting
b. A falling boulder kills this boy
Speaker: Narrator Explanation: When Piggy
Speaking to: Audience and the conch are killed,
so is civilization.
d. a savage obsessed with hunting