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Domestic Animal Overpopulation

Based on your reserch, which is the best solution to turn into action? Explain why you made this choice over the other possible solutions.

Based on my research, I think the best solution to attack the domestic animal overpopulation is the spay/neuter procedures with government incentives and tax breaks for pet owners. This program can offer pet owners incentives to spaying or neutering their pets. With the government incentives and tax breaks, the pet owner would be able to afford the sterilization procedure ultimately decreasing the number of animal litters being generated each year. This solution seems to be more realistic and more effective than the others solutions. Public education and awareness is helpful but relies solely on the community taking in and caring for these homeless animals. While that decreases the number of euthanizations each year, it doesn't help the overall problem. The government funded adoption centers and programs solution is helpful but not for the overall problem either. In order to eliminate the domestic animal overpopulation, we have to eliminate the number of animal litters being generated each year. The best and most humane solution is the spay/neuter program. It eliminates any future animal litters being produced and it decreases the number of euthanizations of unwanted healthy animals.

Animal Overpopulation Circular Flow Diagram

How does this issue affect the rest of the world?

Explain how domestic animal overpopulation affects your community. Be sure to include impacts you perceive to be both positive and negative.

The domestic animal/pet overpopulation is a severe issue in the United States. Every year, millions of cats and dogs are brought to animal shelters, either by their owners or by animal control because they are strays. Approximately half of these animals will find a family/home. Unfortunately, the rest will be euthanized. Homeless cats and dogs that have not been spayed or neutered contribute litter after litter to the increasing numbers of unwanted animals. This surplus of animals may cause several problems like increased animal suffering, the spread of diseases, and increased attacks on humans. It can also be an ecological concern and a financial burden. Stray animals can cause severe damage to the environment. Annually, it costs taxpayers and private agencies millions of dollars to capture, impound and eventually euthanize stray cats and dogs.

What do members of your family and community say about the issue?

The issue of domestic overpopulation in general is a grave concern to the community. The solutions available to resolve this problem are more controversial. There are groups within the community that agree on spaying and neutering cats and dogs to control the overpopulation. Others feel it is cruel. There are groups that support euthanization and others that oppose it. My dad says that sometimes there is a need to euthanize an animal in order to save him/her. If we do not control animal breeding, over time the animal population would be out of control and many would die due to starvation.



What incentives do individuals, businesses, and government have to act on each possible solution for domestic animal overpopulation?


Animal Overpopulation

How does this issue affect households and local residents?

Animal overpopulation is not just a problem in the United States. This is a global problem. There are countries struggling to feed and house its own people so the unwanted domestic animals have no chance. There are countries that do not have the revenue to build shelters or care for unwanted animals. Other countries can trade with the United States for products to help control animal overpopulation. Animal overpopulation isn’t as much of a concern to the rest of the world since there are more serious issues they are handling.

How does the issue affect resources, goods and services, and finances?

Households are affected by domestic animal overpopulation in many ways. Strays wondering the streets of our neighborhood could lead to injuries, animal bites, car accidents, flea infestations, spread of diseases, and contamination from feces. By adopting a pet from an animal shelter, a household could save a dog or cat from euthanization, find a lifelong companion and decrease the number of potential euthanized animals by one.

Domestic Animal Overpopulation is an ongoing problem that puts not only themselves at risk but every aspect of our community at risk. There are millions of unwanted animals that are homeless. They have been abandoned or they have escaped and now they wander the streets to fend for themselves. Because most of these animals haven’t been spayed or neutered, they reproduce causing the number of homeless animals to rise out of control. These strays can affect every sector of our lives.

Domestic animal overpopulation has a direct correlation with resources, goods and services as well as finances. If the domestic animal population increase so does the requirement for more resources, good and services, and finance. The more homeless animals requires more resources like larger animal shelters or more animal shelters to house and care for the strays, more food to feed the extra animals, and more people or jobs to care for these animals. There would be an increase in the need for animal control employees to round up the extra animals. There would be an increase in spay and neuter or euthanization procedures by veterinarians. Therefore, these would require more money to finance. The same holds true if there is a decrease in the number of strays and unwanted animals then the need for resources, goods and services, and finance goes down.

How else might you judge possible solutions against each other?



When deciding the best solution for defeating animal overpopulation issues, you would need to weigh the cost for implementing each solution, how much time would need to be invested in order to resolve the problem, how much involvement is required from each sector of our economy, and which solution is most appealing to everyone involved.

Consider all possible solutions or alternatives for domestic animal overpopulation


  • Affordable Spay/Neuter procedures
  • Euthanization
  • Adopt animals from shelters instead of puppy mills
  • More stringent laws, regulations, and increased taxation for puppy mills
  • Limit the number of litters a puppy mill can produce each year
  • Make pet adoption affordable so animals don't become abandoned or euthanized
  • Responsible Pet Ownership Course
  • Donations to organizations and shelters
  • Regulations for breeders including higher taxation and more rigorous screening procedures of potential owners
  • Affordable animal insurance
  • Affordable pet care like medical bills, heartworm medication, and flea medication
  • Increase government funding
  • Public education of the serious animal overpopulation problem
  • Building more animal shelters
  • Tax breaks for foster families and pet owners
  • Strict and Expensive fines for animal abandonment or cruelty


What do your parents/others in the community say about domestic animal overpopulation?

Give three possible solutions to the economic issue you are investigating.




What are the necessary conditions for any possible solution to work?

1. Affordable Spay/Neuter procedures with government incentives and tax breaks for pet owners

2. Increase public education and awareness of the serious animal overpopulation problems

3. Increase government funded adoption centers and programs

In order for any possible solution to work to conquer the animal overpopulation problem, everyone would need to get involved. The different sectors of the economy, households, businesses, and government would need to be receptive to help and to change. Without a doubt, this is the most important part of the process. There is strength in numbers.

Are the budget or labor concerns?

When implementing a process like trying to control animal population, there will be budget and labor concerns. You would need money for all the resources required to tackle the animal overpopulation problem. Education and public awareness comes with a cost.

You need more funds in order to spade or neuter and shelter the homeless animals. You would need more personnel to enforce the regulations.

Why would some people oppose the solutions you have chosen?

Does the public need to be aware of and support the solutions?

Yes. In order to be successful, the public has to be aware and supportive. As public awareness increases so does the support to help resolve the animal overpopulation issue. So you need to spread the word!

What challenges are there to implementing each solution?

The biggest challenge with executing each solution would be money. Another challenge would be getting responsible people to take action. Most people appreciate free information but a problem arises when you ask for help with a solution that requires their time or their money

1. The Anti-Spay/Neuter groups feel this procedure is cruel and unjust. They feel there is no medical reason for the procedures and they are expensive. These groups also believe spay and neuter procedure increase health risks in animals. People may deem the government incentives and tax breaks unfair. They would say use the government money in a more productive manner.

2. Because of the cost associated with public education and awareness, some people may feel it is too expensive and unnecessary.

3. People may argue that government funding should be used in other areas not associated with animal welfare. They may also dispute the land needed to build the adoption centers.


Externalities are costs and benefits to third parties called unintended consequences. Almost any choice we make creates externalities that can affect the economy at all levels.

What positive or negative externalities does domestic animal overpopulation present at each sector of the economy? Refer to your circular-flow diagram. Bottom line-what's the good and bad?

Everyone I've talked to regarding domestic animal overpopulation and the solutions needed to resolve this problem are in agreement that this is a serious problem in the United States and the solutions would help decrease numerous euthanizations of healthy homeless animals.

How does this issue affect area businesses?

Area businesses are also affected by domestic animal overpopulation. Homeless domestic animals linger around businesses especially restaurants looking for food. They make their homes under and around these businesses causing the owners to pay for animal control agencies to come and retrieve them. These animals become an issue for job sites because of the unwholesome odors, the spread of diseases, flea infestations, the eyesore of animals wandering onsite, possible animal attacks on their customers, and the fees or fines associated with their removal. These negative affects cause unnecessary costs to businesses. By controlling the number of homeless domestic animals, businesses would not encounter as many expenses in trying to contain the loitering animals outside job establishments.

How does this issue affect our government at the local, state, and national levels?

Homeless domestic animal overpopulation is a major concern to our government. Local governments provide animal control operations to retrieve homeless domestic animals as well as finance animal shelters to handle the lost or unwanted animals. The more strays running wild, the more the local government has to spend or borrow to resolve this problem. Millions of dollars are spent annually on the care or destruction of homeless domestic animals. If the spread of disease becomes epidemic then the government would need to get involved on the national level. If the government allocated money in a spay/neuter program to help control the current overpopulation, eventually less unwanted animals would have to be euthanized.




How does each possible solution for domestic animal overpopulation meet or fail to meet each of your criteria?

What are the externalities, both positive, and negative, that could result from each possible solution for domestic animal overpopulation?

Because each solution is a feasible option to reducing domestic animal overpopulation, each possible solution meets the criteria Each solution either limits the birth rate of the animals or helps provide housing for the others.

The spay/neuter procedures with government incentives and tax breaks for pet owners meets the criteria by reducing the number of litters being produced each year and generating more money for the pet owner.


The increase in public education and awareness of the serious animal overpopulation problems meets the criteria by spreading the word in hopes that humanity will prevail resulting in more homeless animals finding homes or pet owners would spay/neuter their pets. This solution relies so much on the community getting involved and wanting to adopt some of these homeless animals.

What can we do to address this issue?

The increase government funded adoption centers and programs meets the criteria because it decreases the number of homeless animals roaming the streets and the number of animals being euthanized because of overcrowded shelters.







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