Cardinal numbers
five - fifteen
5 - 15
21- twenty-one
22 - twenty-two
23 - twenty-three
three - thirty
3 - 30
How many balls are there in the picture?
light blue
dark blue
Ten little numbers
The number chant:
A 1 and a 1 make 11 fun
A 1 and a 2 tell twelve what to do
A 1 and a 3 send 13 up a tree
A 1 and a 4 make 14 shut the door
A 1 and a 5 keep 15 alive
A 1 and a 6 make 16 pick up sticks
A 1 and a 7 send 17 to heaven
A 1 and an 8 make 18 great
A 1 and a 9 make 19 shine
A 2 and a 0 make 20 the hero
Big numbers chant
Days of the week
To the tune
of the Addams Family
Days of the week - 5 times
There’s Sunday
And there’s Monday
There’s Tuesday
And there’s Wednesday
There’s Thursday
And there’s Friday
And then there’s Saturday
Days of the week - 5 times
Months of the year
The Months Chant
from Super Simple Songs
2'40 min
For fun :
2'50 min
2'15 min
0'30 sec
2'02 min
2'19 min
2 min