The Great Gatsby Timeline
late July
July 1st
late August
Spring of 1922
- The next day, Gatsby called Nick on the phone and invited him to lunch at Daisy's house the following day.
- One Saturday, Gatsby's party did not happen
- Nick visited Gatsby and found his entire staff replaced
- Gatsby, Nick, Jordan, Daisy & Tom have lunch at the Buchannan's house
- Tom sees Daisy say I love you to Gatsby (not really, but...)
- They all drive to the city
- In a hotel room, the affair becomes the topic, and the nervous Daisy does not agree to leave Tom
- Daisy drives Gatsby's car home; she hits and runs over Myrtle, killing her
- Tom sees his dead mistress at the garage
- Wilson grieves
- Tom & Daisy have a private, intimate conversation
- Gatsby is left waiting outside the house, should Daisy need him, which she does not
Seeking an occupation in the bond business, Nick Carraway moves to New York:
"Father agreed to finance me for a year, and after various delays, I came East, permanently, I thought, in the spring of twenty-two" (3).
- One afternoon, Nick and Tom visit Myrtle in the Valley of Ashes
"It was a few days before the 4th of July"
(Nick, Chapter 2
= about three weeks after their first dinner)
- They have a small party in an apartment.
- In a drunken confusion, Nick witnesses a collection of things.
- One morning, Gatsby appears at Nick's door:
"Good morning, old sport. You're having lunch with me today and I thought we'd ride up together" (64).
- On the car ride, Gatsby tells Nick stories:
"Well, I'm going to tell you something about my life. I don't want you to get a wrong idea of me from all these stories you hear" (65).
- During the lunch, Nick meets Mr. Wolfsheim, "a small, flat-nosed Jew" (69).
- At afternoon tea with Jordan, Nick hears about Daisy & Gatsby's past, and agrees to arrange a meeting at his house:
"He wants her to see his house" (79).
day after day after climax
day after climax
- reporters and policemen swarm Gatsby's mansion
- a letter is sent to Wolfsheim
- Nick goes to see Gatsby in the morning and gives him a compliment
- Tom tells Wilson it was Gatsby's car
- Tom & Daisy leave for an undisclosed location
- Wilson shoots Gatsby, then himself, around 4pm
- Nick discovers Gatsby's body; the garden
Early Summer
early September
late July
- Nick visits Mr. Wolfsheim who refuses to attend the funeral
- Gatsby's father shows Nick his son's childhood schedule
- Gatsby's funeral
- Gatsby and Daisy reunite and ignite their past relationship at Nick's house
- Gatsby, Daisy, and Nick go next door to see Gatsby's mansion and see his piano, bedroom, shirts, etc.
" 'They're such beautiful shirts,' she sobbed, her voice muffled in the thick folds" (92).
- One Saturday morning, Nick receives an invitation from Gatsby to his party that night
- At his first party, Nick finds Jordan, and he personally meets Gatsby for the first time
- Jordan has a private discussion with Gatsby
(summer solstice = June 20th; = June 6th)
- Nick visits Gatsby and is surprised to see Tom and two others visiting:
"For several weeks I didn't see [Gatsby] or hear his voice on the phone - mostly I was in New York, trotting around with Jordan - but finally I went over to his house one Sunday afternoon" (101).
- The following Saturday night, Tom & Daisy and Nick attend Gatsby's party:
"Perhaps Tom's presence gave the evening its peculiar quality of oppressiveness" (104).
- Daisy & Gatsby have a private conversation.
- Gatsby tells Nick he wants to relive the past:
"I'm going to fix everything just the way it was before" (110).
Nick has his first dinner with Daisy, Tom, and Jordan:
"In two weeks, it'll be the longest day in the year!" (11).
- Daisy, Chapter 1
Nick sees Gatsby for the first time on the docks, reaching for the green light:
"he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, far as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling" (21).