Newfoundland Pine Marten
Threatened as of April 2007
The End
Although Pine Martens can be found across Canada, this type of marten is only found on the island of Newfoundland. The Grassy Plains in Newfoundland and Labrador, is an excellent example of the Pine Marten’s habitat. It is an area filled with untouched forests of Spruce and Fir trees. It is also home to other animals like the La Poile Woodland Caribou
The Marten is a small tree dwelling carnivore of the skunk and weasel family. It has a slender body and short legs with curved claws for climbing. The head is broad, leading to a sharp nose, the ears are large and rounded, and the eyes are black. Its bushy tail is about half of the body length. The long silky dense fur varies from pale grey to dark brown on the back. Males are slightly larger than females, the American Marten (the subspecies found on Newfoundland) is larger and darker than the other subspecies to the south or west.
The animal was first reconized as Threatened in 1986, and was reassigned as Endangered in 1996 and 2000, with an estimated population of 300. The current population of the species is estimated at between 400 and 850, as of April 2007 the marten was re-evaluated to Threatened
The Newfoundland pine marten is a genetically distinct subspecies of the American marten found only on the island of Newfoundland, its sometimes referred to as the American marten (Newfoundland population) and is one of only 14 species of land mammals native to the island. The Newfoundland pine marten is similar in appearance to its cousin, but is slightly larger, with darker fur.
the newfoundland pine marten is protected under the federal Species at Risk Act (SARA)
Habitat loss and logging have resulted in populations being forced from many regions, although habitat loss and logging are among the main threats to the Newfoundland population of the Marten. Members of the Newfoundland population of the Marten may be caught in snares set for snowshoe hare and traps set for the red fox.
Interesting Info/Facts
Biology/Life Cycle
Level Of Endangerment
Location And Habitat
Population Size
Newfoundland martens reach sexual maturity at 15 months of age. Mating takes place once a year, in spring. Females den in hollow trees, crevices or vacant ground burrows, and give birth to 1 to 5 "kits."
Newfoundland martens reach sexual maturity at 15 months of age. Mating takes place once a year, in spring. Females den in hollow trees, crevices or vacant ground burrows, and give birth to 1 to 5 kits.