Somalia's Water Crisis
Hannah Sagam
- Raise awareness
- Get water from dams and filter it
- Create fundraisers for funding
- Sponsor a rain barrel
- Conserve water (everybody has a certain amount of water supply, that is divided up equally
What is Somalia's Problem?
- Ranked #1 for most unclean water
- Waterborne diseases
- People are dying because of the lack of clean water
- Unsanitary for bathing, drinking, etc.
- Children are missing lots of school because they have to carry water for their families, or are ill from waterborne diseases
Extra Facts
- Poor people have to pay up to 10x more for water than the more wealthy
- 748 million people each year, lack access to clean water
- Over 1,400 children a day die because they have either no water, or contaminated water
- Women walk an average of 40 miles a day just to get water, let alone being contaminated, while carrying a 40 lb jug
- The people who drink the unclean water then become ill, which forces parents and families to quit their jobs and care for them. Sadly, they have no money to pay the medical bills and are then trapped in poverty
Causes of this Water Crisis
- Droughts
- No plumbing infrastructure
- Lack of access to clean water (people have to walk miles to get water
- People use oil cans to refill water in which then cause diseases
- Excrete in buckets that they have to refill water in
Works Cited
- water_stat.jpg
- 1876994_orig.jpg
- Haliimo-with-her-little-grandson1.jpg