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  • APA Style, or American Psychological Association, is the standard format for almost all social science research fields. It was designed to standardize scientific writing. 
  • APA style is the expected standard in higher education and research papers to ensure sources are cited properly.

  • To avoid plagiarism
  • To give credits to the authors

Your paper should follow these formatting guidelines:

Margin: All sides (top, bottom, left, right) should each just measure one (1) inch.

Font Size and Type: Font for text all through out the paper should be 12-pt., Times New Roman.

Spacing: Double-space for the whole document

Pagination: The page number appears one inch from the right edge of the paper on the first line of every page, beginning with the title page

Running Head: The running head is a short title that appears at the top of the pages of a paper or published article. The running head is typed flush left (all uppercase) at the top of all pages.

  • Your references should begin on a new page. Title the new page "References" and center the title text at the top of the page.

  • All entries should be in alphabetical order.

  • The first line of a reference should be flush with the left margin. Each additional line should be indented.

  • All sources cited should appear both in-text and on the reference page.

  • Titles of books, journals, magazines, and newspapers should appear in italics.


One Author-Printed Book

Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Publication Date). Title of book. Place of Publication: Publisher

Lee, H. (1982). To kill a mockingbird. New York, NY: Warner Books.

Two Authors- Printed Book

Aldridge, J., & Goldman, R. (2007). Current issues and trends in

education. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

HINT: Any reference that appears in the text of your report or article must be cited on the references page, and any item appearing on your reference page must be also included somewhere in the body of your text.

In-Text Citation​

Summarizing and Paraphrasing

What is APA format?

  • If you are paraphrasing an idea from another work, you only have to make reference to the author and year of publication in your in-text reference and may omit the page numbers.


According to Jones (1998), APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners.


Jones (1998) stated that APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners.


APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners (Jones, 1998).


APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners (Jones, 1998, p. 199).

Why it is important to use APA format?

General Rules for APA Format

Using APA Format

Second Page


Title Page

Facing Life's Obstacles


Begin typing your essay here. Remember to indent the first line of each paragraph, and double-space all text.

Facing Life’s Obstacles

Liang Zhang

Professor: Hanaa Wahba

ESL 105

Fall 2019

Into Hofstra University

USE IN-Text Citation When

  • Quoting
  • Paraphrasing
  • Summarizing

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In-Text Citation​Short Quotation

  • If you are using a short quote and you use the name of the author in the text near the quote, you add the date by the author’s last name. If you mention both the author and the date, you would only need to include the page number after the quote:


According to Jones (1998), "Students often had difficulty using APA style, especially when it was their first time" (p. 199).


She stated, "Students often had difficulty using APA style" (Jones, 1998, p. 199).

APA Formatting 6th Edition in MS Word

Reference Page

  • APA Sample Paper
  • APA Handouts

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