Systemic Symptoms
or Illness
- Fever, weight loss, persistent or progressive vomiting, stiff neck,
- Pregnancy, cancer, immunocompromised state, anticoagulated state
Neurologic Signs
& Symptoms
- Altered mental status
- Weakness
- Focal neurologic symptoms
- Seizures
- Papilledema
S - systemic signs
N - neurologic signs
O - onset sudden
O - other associations
P - prior HAs different
- Sudden Onset (thunder clap HA - HA peaks in a few seconds
- Age >50 years old
Headache Red Flags
Other Associated Symptoms
- Awakens from sleep
- Head trauma
- Worsened by Valsalva maneuvers
- Symptoms of GCA (visual disturbances, jaw claudication, temporal artery tenderness, proximal myalgias)
- Halos around lights
Prior HAs
Prior headache history is different
- Different pattern from before
- HA are rapidly progressive in severity or frequence
Neurologic Signs
& Symptoms
Hemorrhagic Stroke
"Red flags" for the presence of serious underlying disorders as a cause of acute or subacute headache
Subdural Hematoma
Epidural Hematoma
- Encephalitis
- Subdural hematoma
- Subarachnoid or intracerebral hemorrhage
- Tumor
- Increased intracranial pressure
Intracranial Hypertension
Causes of Red Flag Headaches
Immunosuppression or cancer
Intracranial Mass
Systemic symptoms
triad of nuchal rigidity (neck stiffness), photophobia (intolerance of bright light) and headache
- Meningitis
- Subarachnoid hemorrhage
- Subdural empyema
Herpes Encephalitis
Thunder Clap HA
Halos Around Lights
- Acute angle-closure glaucoma
1) Venkatesan, A. Case 13: A Man With Progressive Headache and Confusion. Medscape. July 27, 2006. [ , accessed 1/21/14]
2) Clintch, CR. Evaluation of Acute Headaches in Adults. Am Fam Physician. 2001 Feb 15;63(4):685-693.
3) Silberstein, SD. Approach to the Patient With Headache. The Merck Manual for Healthcare Professionals. October 2013.
Visual Disturbances, Jaw Claudication, Temporal Artery Tenderness
Temporal Arteritis