He was an alderman and a bailiff (An alderman is an elected member of a municipal council and a bailiff is a person who performs certain actions under legal authority).
His mother was Mary Arden Shakespeare.
"Shakespeare's Brothers and Sisters." Shakespeare's Brothers and Sisters. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. <http://www.shakespeare-online.com/biography/shakespearesiblings.html>.
"Shakespeare's Education and Childhood." Shakespeare's Education and Childhood. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014. <http://www.shakespeare-online.com/biography/shakespeareeducation.html>.
Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-Upon-Avon, England.
He was baptized on April 26, 1564.
He supposedly died on his birthday in 1616 (April 23, 1616).
"Lost Years"
These are the years where Shakespeare "disappeared" and nobody knows what he did in this period of time.
The only thing we do know is that he married a pregnant orphan named Anne Hathaway on November 28,1582.
He was 18 and she was 26.
At the age of 4 he was enrolled at The King's New School in Stratford-grammar school for the son's of servants.
He had classes 6 days a week starting at dawn.
He studied the alphabet like we do.
At age 7 he started studying latin.
He learned basic reading and writing skills from an alphabet book.
Some books he would've read would be A New Discovery of the Old Art of Teaching Schoole:In Four Small Treaties, Concerning, A Pretty School, The Usher's Duty, and The Master's Method.
Shakespeare was removed from the school when he was 13 because of his father's financial and social issues
He had three sisters named Joan, Anne, and Margaret.
Joan was born on September in 1558 and died shortly after because of the plague.
Anne was born in 1571 and died when she was eight.
Margaret was born on December 2, 1562 and died one year later.
Shakespeare also had three brothers named Edmund, Gilbert, and Richard.
Edmund was born on May 3, 1580 and died in 1607.
Gilbert was baptized on October 13, 1566 and survived the plague to his adulthood and died on February 3, 1612.
Richard was baptized on March 11, 1574 and died on February 4, 1613.