The Journey...
Details Matter
- First generation college graduate from Kentucky
- Come from a military family
- Did not realize the power of formal education; understood the power of discipline
- Come from a family history of strong work ethic, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity
- Salutatorian in a predominantly Caucasian high school
- Background rich instructional coaching and curriculum/assessment writing, then administration
- Taught 10 years in high poverty, low SES school, learned the power of authentic relationships
- Love to empower others, learn, and facilitate change
- Family oriented, love the arts and culture, exercising, and scrapbooking
"Details are the difference between good stuff and great stuff."
Stephen Brewster
Details Matter
60 Day
Summer/Fall Focus: Community Engagement
- Collaboratively develop a plan for better serving our student population such as reading Teaching With Poverty In Mind, or attending mental health workshops at local facilities
- Schedule meetings with feeder schools, student council, support staff. Establish routine communication protocol.
- Conduct neighborhood visits/tours, and home visits.
- Have staff send welcome postcards to students and parents.
- Collectively design incentive and reward system to recognize individual and collaborative achievement, growth, and contribution for staff and students.
- Refine P.B.I.S., CHAMPS and character building strategies.
Summer Focus: Culture
- Review Campus Data
- Establish criteria for "rigorous" assessments for teacher selected assessments (Real-life, Across content areas, Multi-step at high level of Bloom's, performance-based)
- Campus Assessment Calendar that includes assessment creation, implementation, scoring, and analysis timelines
- Professional Learning Calendar Framework - including staff presenters
- Prepare First Staff PD session for launch
- Draft school vision statement.
Summer Focus: Culture
- Establish criteria for "rigorous" assessments for teacher selected assessments
- Campus Assessment Calendar that includes assessment creation, implementation, scoring, and analysis timelines
- Professional Learning Calendar Framework - including staff presenters
- Prepare First Staff PD session for launch
Spring/Summer Focus: School Culture and Climate
- Interview staff members to identify staff member goals, strengths, and needs; campus strengths and needs
- Meet with school secretary, interim principal, & administrative team to fine tune structures and procedures; establish 2016-17 grade level assignments.
- Present plan for upcoming school year to campus committee for feedback and input in 4 major areas: Instruction, Professional Learning, Community Involvement & Communication
- Host meet and greet social with staff members: Instructional support, classroom teachers, cafeteria, custodial, secretarial
Principal Entry Plan
The road map!
Whyndii Dunn
What have I learned?
- Application service request.
- Quantify and analyse requests.
- Qualify how each request meets the stated SLA.